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Free eSign guide

With our Free eSign plan you can send 5 uploaded documents per calendar month, 2 recipients per document. Payment integrations are available

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article acts as a guide to Free eSign.

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Free eSign plan overview

Here’s an overview of what’s included with Free eSign:

  • 5 uploaded documents per calendar month (no templates or editable documents)

  • 2 recipients per document

  • Payment integrations (no CRM integrations)

You can find a comprehensive list of features here.

Changing your plan to Free eSign

To change your plan to Free eSign, follow these steps:

  1. Select Help in the top-right corner, then select Live chat

  2. Next, select Account and billing in the chat window

  3. Select I'd like to switch to Free eSign plan

  4. Finally, confirm that you would like to switch and wait for our Support agents to help you​

Warning: Templates and content library items will be inaccessible after downgrading to Free eSign. Make sure to download these items before changing your plan.

Creating and sending documents

Follow these steps to create and send a document:

  1. Select Add document in the top right corner of your Home or Documents list, then upload your file

  2. Add the recipient's contact information, then select Continue

  3. Drag and drop fields to capture information and assign it to the correct recipient

  4. Select Send Document at the top of the page

Note: Supported file formats for uploading are .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and .docx.

Note: Radio buttons, dropdown, and collect files fields aren’t available with Free eSign.

If you upload a .docx file, make sure to select Skip when prompted about creating an editable PandaDoc document.


“1 of 5 free documents sent this calendar month” message

Free eSign includes 5 uploaded documents per calendar month. Once you reach this limit, you’ll need to wait until the following month to create and send further documents.

Note: If you’ve downgraded to Free eSign after already sending 5 documents as part of another plan, you’ll need to wait until the following month to create and send further documents.

I can’t send a document with more than 2 recipients

You can add only 2 recipients per document using Free Sign. Upgrade to a full plan to add more recipients.

To upgrade, follow these steps:

  1. Select Start subscription now within the document or on Home

  2. Next, select Change plan

  3. Enter your credit card information

  4. Finally, select Pay now

“Doing our part to reduce spam” message

Since certain users can use no-cost tools like PandaDoc to share harmful links, we're not allowing Free eSign and trial users to send documents with links. By removing links (including hyperlinked emails) from your PDF and re-uploading it to PandaDoc, you’ll be able to send the document. To avoid restrictions on sending documents that contain links, please upgrade to a full plan by following the steps above.

Upgrade to send, download, or print this document” message

If you see a message that says: “If you’d like to send, download, or print this document, please upgrade to a full plan or remove these features: table, image block, text block.”

…you’ve most likely uploaded an editable document. Free Esign includes only non-editable documents. For .docx file uploads, re-upload the document and make sure to select Skip to create an editable PandaDoc document.

If you uploaded a PDF, check if the document includes any blocks. If so, you’ll be able to send the document once these blocks have been removed.

I can’t invite a user with Manager or Member role

If you're unable to invite a user in a Manager or Member role, note that account roles are available only with Essentials, Business, and Enterprise plans. All users invited to Free eSign accounts will have an admin role.

To invite users in a Manager or Member role, consider upgrading to a full plan by following the steps indicated earlier in this guide.

I can’t download my document as .docx

Free eSign plan allows you to download your document as a PDF only. To download your document as .docx, consider upgrading to a full plan by following the steps indicated earlier in this guide.

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