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Radio buttons

Radio buttons allow your document’s recipients to select only one predefined option from the list you provide.

Updated this week

Availability: Essentials, Business, and Enterprise plans

Radio buttons allow your document’s recipients to select only one predefined option from the list you provide.

Note: The minimum number of options for radio buttons is 2; the maximum is 50.

To add a radio button field, select the field on the content panel, then drag and drop it to where you’d like to place it in your document. Two options will be added to the radio button field by default.


Note: Radio buttons adhere to content block borders and other radio button fields. If you move a parent content block, the radio button group will also move, preserving the relative position of the individual radio buttons.

You can easily add more options to the radio button field by selecting +. Alternatively, you can select Properties on the floating panel, then +Add option in the “Properties” panel on the right.


Using the floating panel, you can also:

  • Select font size

  • Assign/reassign a recipient to the field

  • Duplicate the field (preserving its positioning and formatting)

  • Open the “Properties” panel

  • Delete the field


To edit an option title, select Properties on the floating panel, then make your changes.


By default, the “Show Values” toggle is switched on. You can switch off this toggle if you’re working with an uploaded document that already includes a list of options.


Note: The value added to “Field ID” can be used to easily find and work with any data your recipients add by using the downloaded CSV file of a form. You can use “Merge field” to add values to the radio buttons field when you create documents via API.

To reorder radio buttons, simply drag and drop an option to another location.


Value formatting

Font and text styles for radio buttons are pulled from your design theme. You can easily change the formatting of a specific radio buttons field by first selecting the field, then Properties on the floating panel. Here you can change:

  • Font color

  • Font size

  • Button color

Note: Design settings applied in the field properties will override general design settings.

You can change the size of radio buttons by dragging the small circle at the bottom right of an icon. All icons in the radio buttons group will resize accordingly.

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