Availability: External Automations feature is available as a paid add-on for Business plan ($39 per month per account/ $468 per year per account) and is included in Enterprise plan.
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Learn how to set up automations in your templates here.
Update Salesforce opportunity products whenever a document’s status is updated
Select “Update Products in Salesforce when PandaDoc document status changed”.
Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created via Salesforce — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”
Select Connect to authorize the connection between Salesforce and PandaDoc via Workato
Select Save
Create a document via a Salesforce opportunity using this template and update products pulled to the pricing table.
If you choose “Sent” document status as a trigger and update the products in a created via a deal document, the product information will be updated in the deal once you send it.
If you’ve selected “Completed” as a trigger status, product info in your deal will be updated if you update the products in the pricing table before sending it, or if a document signer updates the quantity of products in the pricing table (providing you have quantity editing enabled before sending it).
Product information that can be updated in Salesforce opportunities:
Change Salesforce opportunity stage whenever a document’s status is updated
Select “Change Opportunity stage on Salesforce When document status changed”
Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created via Salesforce — you can choose between “Declined” and “Completed”
Select Connect to authorize the connection between Salesforce and PandaDoc via Workato
Select the opportunity stage from the dropdown menu — you can choose between “Closed won” and “Closed lost”
Select Save
Once set up, each time the document you create via a Salesforce opportunity using this template is declined or completed (depending on your automation setup), the opportunity stage will automatically move to “Closed won” or “Closed lost.”
Move a document to Attachments and Notes in Salesforce Opportunities
Select “Attach PDF to Salesforce when PandaDoc document status changed”.
Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created from Salesforce — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”
Authorize connection between Salesforce and PandaDoc via Workato. Note: You shouldn’t fill anything in the advanced section in the authorization window.
Select Save
Once set up, each time the document you create through a Salesforce opportunity using this template is sent or completed (depending on your automation setup), it will be automatically attached to notes and attachments in your opportunities.