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HubSpot automations

Learn how to automate updates to HubSpot deal stages, properties, and line items based on PandaDoc document status changes with this guide.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: External Automations feature is available as a paid add-on for Business plan ($39 per month per account/ $468 per year per account) and is included in Enterprise plan.

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Learn how to set up automations in your templates here.

This article explains how to update HubSpot when PandaDoc document status changes. For information on how to pull information from HubSpot into a PandaDoc document, please see this article.

Warning: When connecting your HubSpot account through Automations, the necessary permissions are automatically preselected. There’s no need to adjust the 'Scopes' values during the Authorization step.

Scopes that should be selected during connection





Change HubSpot deal stage whenever a document’s status is updated

  1. Select “Change deal stage on HubSpot when document status changed”

  2. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created via HubSpot

  3. Select Connect to authorize the connection between HubSpot and PandaDoc via Workato


  4. Select the pipeline: all available deal stages will be reflected in the dropdown

  5. Select Save

Note: Any document status, except for 'Draft', can be set as a trigger for changing the HubSpot deal stage.

Each time the document you create through a HubSpot deal using this template is completed or declined, the deal stage will change automatically to “Closed won” or “Closed lost” (depending on your automation setup).

Move a document to attachments in HubSpot deals

  1. Select “Attach PDF to Hubspot when PandaDoc document status changed”

  2. Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created via HubSpot — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  3. Authorize connection between HubSpot and PandaDoc via Workato

    Note: The user connecting HubSpot account must have the App Marketplace access permission set.


  4. Select Save


Each time the document you create through a HubSpot deal using this template is sent or completed (depending on your automation setup), it will be automatically attached to the deal.


Update Deal properties in HubSpot when PandaDoc document status changed

To sync the field values updated in a Pandadoc document back to the HubSpot deal, first, you need to link the field in HubSpot to the field in your template using the Merge field.

  1. Open your HubSpot deal, on the right, scroll down to the PandaDoc module and click Actions > Show PandaDoc tokens

  2. Copy the variable without square brackets

  3. In your PandaDoc template, select the field which value you’d like to sync back to a HubSpot field, and select Properties on the floating panel

  4. In Properties on the right, paste the variable you copied from HubSpot into the Merge field area without square brackets

    Note: Only Text, Date, Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Button field types can be synced back to HubSpot.

Next, in your template, you need to set up the automation:

  1. Go to Automations on the right panel

  2. Select “Update deal properties in HubSpot when PandaDoc document status changed”

  3. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created via HubSpot — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  4. Select Connect to authorize the connection between HubSpot and PandaDoc via Workato. You’ll see the Disconnect button if your account is already connected

    Note: The user connecting HubSpot account must have the App Marketplace access permission set.

  5. Select Save automation

  6. Create a document through a HubSpot deal using this template

If you choose the 'Sent' document status as a trigger and update the fields pulled from the deal, both the properties in HubSpot and the primary company associated with the deal will be updated when the document is sent.

Alternatively, if you select 'Completed' as the trigger status, information about field properties in your deal and the associated primary company will be updated as soon as the document status changes to Completed, provided that the recipient edits the values pulled from the deal.

A few important notes:

  • If a certain field cannot populate info submitted into the merge field, the automation will not work. Reasons for that:

    • no permissions to the mapped HubSpot field

    • the value format does not coincide with the HubSpot field’s type/format rules.

  • Fields whose names contain only special symbols will not work.

You can export data to the deal-associated contacts using role variables. The mapping process is simple:

  1. Use PandaDoc template role variables in the needed merge field placeholders

  2. Assign HubSpot deal contacts to the roles

  3. Once the automation is triggered, the corresponding HubSpot contact fields will be updated

Update, add, and remove line items in HubSpot whenever a document status changed

  1. Go to Automations on the right panel

  2. Select “Update, add, and remove line items in HubSpot when PandaDoc document status changed”

  3. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created via HubSpot — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  4. Select Connect to authorize the connection between HubSpot and PandaDoc via Workato. You’ll see the Disconnect button if your account is already connected

    Note: The user connecting HubSpot account must have the App Marketplace access permission set.

  5. Select the checkbox for syncing added or removed line items (optional). This functionality ensures that when the status of a document changes, any item added to the pricing table or quote builder will be generated in the associated deal. Similarly, if an item originally sourced from the HubSpot deal is removed from the pricing table or the quote builder, it will also be removed from the HubSpot deal.

  6. Select Save automation

  7. Create a document through a HubSpot deal using this template

If you select “Sent” document status as a trigger and update the products pulled from a deal, the product information will be updated in the deal once you send the document.

If you select “Completed” as a trigger status, product info in your deal will be updated if you update pulled to the pricing table/quote builder products before sending it, or if a document signer updates the quantity of products in the pricing table/quote builder (providing you have quantity editing enabled before sending it).

A few important things:

  • The primary product fields—such as SKU, Name, Description, Price, Quantity, and Discount—will always reflect the values from PandaDoc. Custom fields, however, are only updated if their corresponding columns are visible in the PandaDoc document.

    If a column is visible in the Quote Builder's edit view, it will be synced back, even if it's not visible to the recipient. However, custom columns that are hidden and added from the CRM after the document is created will not be synced back.

  • If the same field is used more than once and has different values, we prioritize the one that has been most recently modified.

  • If validation for any of the fields is not passed, the automation will fail.

  • The Deal Amount is automatically recalculated based on the line items in HubSpot.

  • When optional items are enabled in the pricing table/quote builder, the choices made will impact the product list on the deal:

    • Selected items will synchronize, and if a selected item does not exist on the HubSpot side, it will be created.

    • Unselected items will be removed from the deal.

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