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Pricing table. Add and set your pricing table
Pricing table. Add and set your pricing table

Learn to customize pricing tables in PandaDoc: add products, manage columns, apply discounts, and integrate with CRM.

Updated over a week ago

This article will help you get started with the pricing table.

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First, add the pricing table block to your document.

Add products

To add line items, start typing in the Name column — auto-suggest will show available options from your Catalog (provided you have products in your Catalog).

Warning: If you see a PDF page break indicator on the left to your pricing table, the pricing table will be separated into two pages in the downloaded PDF. You can repeat pricing table header, if it moves on a new page while creating a PDF by switching on the toggle in Properties > Settings.

Alternatively, select +Products to add products from your Catalog. You can also right-click in any cell and select Insert from catalog below to quickly add a new item.

You can enter line items in your pricing table manually as well.

You can search your catalog items by product name, SKU, description, custom field names, and their values. The search result will be shown in the following priority:

  1. Product name

  2. Product SKU

  3. Product description, custom field name the field's value

Additionally, you can search by using the Category name and the results will show all the items within the category.

After you import an item from your Catalog, its custom fields will be automatically added as hidden columns.

To display a custom field, click the plus sign on the right side of the pricing table or right-click in any cell, then choose your custom field from the hidden columns.

If you'd like to display the product description in a separate column instead of below the product name, hide the Name column by right-clicking on it > Hide column.

Then, click on the plus sign on the right side of the pricing table, or right-click in any cell, and under Add hidden, select the name column and the description column adding them separately.

Please note, this action cannot be reverted.

Warning: You'll be unable to edit the price of a product with volume-based pricing once it's added to the pricing table. To update the price of this product, you need to go to the catalog.

PDF page break behavior with pricing tables

If you have a lengthy pricing table that doesn’t fit on a single page in your document, please be aware of the following page break rules:

  1. The grand total will be treated as a single, unbreakable unit and cannot be moved to the next page without at least one line item accompanying it. There will be no page break between the grand total and the pricing table.

  2. A page break cannot separate a section header from its associated line items on the next page.

  3. The pricing table header cannot be separated from the pricing table itself unless there is at least one line item from the pricing table on the same page.

  4. Page breaks will not occur immediately before a section summary.

To control the placement of the pricing table header in PDFs, select the pricing table, then select Properties on the floating panel > Settings.

Switch on the toggle Include table header on each page.

Set pricing table currency

Navigate to pricing table properties, and click on Settings.

Select table currency.

If you are using Document value, make sure the currency in Document value settings matches the pricing table currency. Otherwise, the pricing table will not be included in the Document value calculation.

Hide/unhide columns

Don’t want certain columns to be displayed in the pricing table? No problem! Click on any cell within the column, click on the small arrow in its upper-right corner, or right-click in any cell, and select Hide column.

When a column is hidden, it’s still included in the calculation.

To bring back the hidden column, click the plus sign on the right side of the pricing table or right-click in any cell.

Similarly, you can hide Subtotal, Discount, Tax, and Total in the pricing table footer. Discount and Tax can be deleted as well.

Add fees, line item discounts, and taxes

Note: You may notice slight variations in their pricing tables' and quotes' totals, which are primarily attributed to the rounding of the decimals numbers for presentational purposes.

Click the plus sign on the right side of the pricing table or right-click in any cell to add a new column. You’ll have the following options:

  • Text

  • Tax

  • Discount

  • Fee

  • Additional multiplier

Double-click on the cell where you’d like to add a discount — you can choose between a flat amount or a percentage in the dropdown.

Note: The Subtotal in the Total section is shown including the Line item discount. It cannot be calculated without Line item discount.

You can hide or delete the columns you’ve created. Simply click on a cell within that column, then click the small arrow in its upper-right corner, or right-click in any cell, and select either Hide or Delete column.

To add row to the pricing table footer, click the + sign at the bottom.

Move columns and rows

It’s easy to move columns and rows. Simply click and drag the green label at the top of the column or on the left side of the row:

Import product data from your CRM

If you’re using one of our integrations to create documents directly from your CRM, and you have the integration enabled in Settings > Integrations, the Data merge feature on your pricing table will be automatically turned on in a template. This allows you to send products from your CRM into your pricing table.

Note: This feature might not be available in some integrations. Please refer to a guide about your CRM integration with PandaDoc.

Сost and Profit Margin calculation

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

You can easily calculate and control your profit margin based on the cost and price of items in your pricing tables.

Enable Profit Margin calculation in the Add-on store under Proposal & Quotes.

Note: The Cost column in the pricing table, as well as %Profit Margin app on the right panel, are visible to only you and anyone else using your PandaDoc account. Your recipients do not see this information in your document.

To calculate your profit margin, open a template or document containing a pricing table and follow these steps:

  1. Click the right-side panel in your pricing table and choose Cost under Add hidden.

  2. If you don’t have a cost added to a product in your catalog and its value is 0, click on the cell in the column and add a value to it. (Click here to learn about our catalog feature.)

  3. Go to Apps on the right, then click +Add on the %Profit Margin tile.

That’s it! You can now see your profit margin automatically calculated.

Note: Tax is not included in %Profit Margin calculations.

Tip: By adding the %Profit Margin app to your templates, it will then be enabled by default to all documents created from your templates.

In the %Profit Margin app, cost is calculated by adding the cost of all items. Profit will show as a value and Margin will show as a percentage. Profit is calculated by Price - Cost. Margin is calculated by (Price - Cost) / Price.

If your template or document contains several pricing tables, you can easily navigate through them by clicking on a table in the %Profit Margin app.


After document completion, you will only see calculations in %Profit Margin app on the right panel. If the separate cost of each item is needed, you can use the Document details API call. Learn more about API here.

Pricing table variables

Pricing table variables help you easily reuse data from the pricing table footer in your template, document, or form. Each row you add to the footer of your pricing table will appear as a variable, as long as it has a value.

To access the list of variables, first click on a pricing table in your template, document, or form. Then, click Properties on the floating panel and select Variables on the right.

Finally, click the copy icon next to the variable name and paste the variable into your document’s content.

You can also find pricing table variables in the Variables tab on the right.

Note: If you rename a pricing table, variables will automatically reflect this change.

Pricing table images

It’s easy to make your proposals and quotes look even more professional by adding images of products in your catalog.

Once you import a product from your catalog to a pricing table, all images associated with the product will appear under the product description in the Name column.

Note: Only .jpg and .png files can be used as catalog product images.

To delete an image, first click on the image itself, then click the trash bin icon.

To resize an image, first click the cell options arrow button (step 1 in the screenshot below). Then, in the dropdown, hover over Image size and choose either Default or Fit to cell (step 2 in the screenshot below).

Another way to resize an image is to hover over a column’s vertical border until it’s highlighted in green, then drag the border to resize the column width. The image will resize accordingly.

You and recipients of your document can preview a product image by clicking on it. Preview mode includes all images in the cell.


Tip: If you'd like to create a separate column for images, as well as for the product's name and description, simply hide the Name column and add these new columns.

Related articles

A PandaDoc pricing table can do much more! Follow the links below to learn about other features in detail:

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