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PandaDoc automations streamline workflows by automating document actions based on status changes.

Updated over 2 months ago


  1. PandaDoc Automations (PandaDoc to PandaDoc recipes): Available for Business and Enterprise plans.

  2. External Automations (PandaDoc to external platforms recipes like CRMs, HR, and storage tools): This feature is available as a paid add-on for Business plan ($39 per month per account/ $468 per year per account) and is included in Enterprise plan.

Enterprise plan users receive a complimentary allocation of 20 documents per month for monthly subscriptions and 250 documents for annual subscriptions, all of which are generated through automations and are available per account, free of charge. After reaching the limit, the account owner can purchase an additional volume package in Settings > Billing. The two recipes that count towards this limit are:

* Sending a follow-up document when a document is sent or completed
* Sending a new document when a new employee record is created in BambooHR

Automations allow you to save time and automate tasks whenever the status of a document changes to “Sent” or “Completed.”

Automations are template-based — so, once you set up an automation within your template, all new documents created from this template will inherit the setup.

Note: If you duplicate a template, your automations setup won’t extend to the duplicated version.

Warning: If automations are set up for the template and you share it with another workspace, the automation will not be applied to the document created from this shared template.

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Setting up an automation

Note: Users with a Member role are unable to set up automations.

To start, click Automations on the left panel.

Select +Automation.

Alternatively, open a template you’d like to set up an automation for, then select Automations on the right panel.

Warning: Automations won’t work in a form created from a template in which automation has already been set up.

Next, choose one of the recommended automations or click +Automation to explore all available options.

Actions available:

  • Move a document to cloud storage (Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or SharePoint)

  • Move a document to a PandaDoc folder

  • Send another PandaDoc document whenever a document’s status is updated

  • Change quote/opportunity/ deal stage in Microsoft Dynamics, HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, or Zendesk Sell whenever a document’s status is updated

  • Update line items in Microsoft Dynamics, Pipedrive, HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, or Zendesk Sell whenever a document’s status is updated

  • Attach a PDF in Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, HubSpot, Zoho, Pipedrive, BambooHR, Greenhouse, SharePoint, and NetSuite

  • Create a record in BambooHR, Greenhouse whenever a document’s status is updated

  • Create a note in Microsoft Dynamics

Note: Automations won’t affect any of your native integration set-ups.

Warning: You may need to disable the “Block third party cookies” setting in your browser to make automations work.

Workflow automations

Saving Completed PDF files to Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or SharePoint

You can easily save completed PDFs to your Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or SharePoint account together with the documents attached to them using the collect files field.

  1. Select “Sent” or “Completed” in the Document status dropdown menu (we suggest selecting “Completed” status here to make sure only finalized documents with a signature certificate will be attached


  2. Select Authorize > Connect to link your Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box account to your PandaDoc account


  3. Select a folder where documents will be uploaded

  4. Select the “Upload collect files” checkbox to also attach those documents


  5. Select Save automation

Note: We suggest modifying the document name before sending it out so the version created in your cloud storage folder has a unique name. The document name must not contain square brackets "[ ]”, slashes "/, \", or "Greater than"/"Lesser than" signs "<>”.

Each time a document generated from this template is sent or completed (even if the status is changed manually), a new folder with a PDF and uploaded files (if any) will be created in your Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box account if you don't select any folder when setting up the automation. The folder will inherit the document’s name.


Moving sent or completed documents to a selected PandaDoc folder

  1. Select “Move a document to a PandaDoc folder”

  2. Select “Sent” or “Completed” in the Document status dropdown menu


  3. Choose Select folder, then choose either one of the existing folders or create a new one


  4. Select Save


Each time a document generated from this template is completed, it will automatically move to the selected folder.

Sending another document when PandaDoc document status changes

  1. Select “Send another PandaDoc document when PandaDoc document status changed”

  2. Select “Sent” or “Completed” in the Document status dropdown menu

  3. Choose Select template


  4. Choose one of the existing templates and click select


  5. Select Save


Note: The roles in both templates must match; otherwise, another document will not be sent.

Each time a document generated from this template is sent or completed (depending on your automation's setup), another document will be automatically created from the template you selected and sent to the same recipients (pre-assigned in this template recipients will be ignored).

Note: To ensure variable values pass correctly from the first document in your automation to the second, make sure the variable names match.

CRM automations

Open one of the links below to learn about automations with a CRM you use:

Disabling automations

You can disable or delete your automations at any time. To do this, select Automations on the left panel, then click Active and switch off the toggle beneath any automation.

Alternatively, you can select the ellipsis (three vertical dots) at the top right corner of automation and select Delete.

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