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Recipient groups

Recipient group allows you to streamline the document signing process by assigning fields to groups of recipients rather than individuals.

Updated over a week ago

Availability: Enterprise plan

Recipient group allows you to streamline the document signing process by assigning fields to groups of recipients rather than individuals. With recipient groups, any member of the group can sign the document with their signature.

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How to assign a recipient group to a role in a template

Note: You'll be unable to use recipient groups in forms, bulk send or when creating a document from a CRM.

  1. Open your template and select "Manage roles or add new ones" tab on the right panel. Alternatively, open this tab by selecting Manage at the top of the page

  2. Select a role you'll assign a recipient group to

  3. Under Pre-assign a person or a group select Add recipient group from the dropdown

  4. Type your recipient group name

  5. If the recipients you’d like to add are already in your contacts, simply start typing their name or email address and select them from the dropdown. Alternatively, click on the dropdown and select Add recipient to add a new contact

  6. Add all the recipients you need and select Add

Note: You cannot edit the recipient group in a template. Instead, you can create a document from the template and then edit the group, or delete the recipient group and create a new one.

How to create a recipient group

Warning: At this time, you can't use recipient groups in forms.

  1. Open your document and select "Manage recipients and recipient groups" tab on the right panel. Alternatively, open the "Manage recipients and recipient groups" tab by selecting Invite on top of the page > Recipient

  2. Click on the dropdown and select Add recipient group

  3. Type your recipient group name

  4. If the recipients you’d like to add are already in your contacts, start typing their name or email address and select them from the dropdown. Alternatively, click on the dropdown and select Add recipient to add a new contact.

  5. Add all the recipients you need and select Add

Note: You can add a maximum of 50 signers per group. It's important to note that this limit applies to both the recipient group and the document itself, meaning that you can't exceed 50 recipients in total for a single document.

Note: You can create a group once and then use it in other documents. You can also search for groups in the recipient dropdown either by the group name or by recipients within that group.

How to edit a recipient group

Note: Only users with an Admin or a Manager role on the account can edit recipient groups.

Note: You'll be unable to edit recipient groups in templates.

Once you’ve created a recipient group you can easily modify its name and recipients within the group. To do this:

  1. Select “Manage recipients and recipient groups” tab on the right panel

  2. Select the recipient group you’d like to edit

  3. Select Edit recipient group and update its title or add/remove recipients within the group

  4. Select a specific recipient under the group name and select Edit personal details to modify their contact information

Note: You’ll be unable to edit a recipient group or recipient's details once a member of the group fills out all the fields assigned to the group and completes the document by selecting the Finish button. The ‘Signer’ indicator next to the recipient group name becomes green when the document is finalized by a recipient group member.

How to assign fields and send documents to a recipient group

Once you’ve created a recipient group you can assign fields to the group and send the document.

To do this, click on the field that needs to be signed by a recipient within the group, then select Assign and choose the recipient group from the dropdown.

If you need to assign multiple fields to a recipient group, press Command (on Mac) or Shift (on Windows) on your keyboard, then select several fields (once you do, they'll become framed in blue), select Assign on the floating panel and choose the recipient group from the dropdown.

Once you assign all fields in your document, send it to your recipients.

Signing a document as a member of a recipient group

When a document is sent via email, each member of the recipient group will receive an email notification prompting them to open the document and complete the assigned fields.

Important: If the document is sent via a link, no email notifications are sent to recipient group members or individual recipients.

When a group member opens the document, they can click the Start button at the top to navigate to the fields assigned to the group. Click here for a full recipient’s guide on signing a document.

If a member of a recipient group fills out the fields but doesn't complete the document by clicking the Finish button at the top of the page, all other recipients within the group will have the ability to modify the filled-out fields, until someone from the group finalizes the document.

Once the document has been completed by all recipients and recipient groups, each recipient will receive an email notification indicating that the document has been completed.

If a member of a recipient group is uncertain whether the document has been completed by another member within their group, they can open the document, hover over the recipient group icon, and check the color of the ‘Signer’ indicator. If it is green, it signifies that someone has already completed the document on behalf of the group. If it is red, it means the recipient who opened the document can edit the fields and finalize the document on behalf of the group.

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