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Sending documents via business email
Sending documents via business email

You can connect your Gmail or Outlook business email client to send PandaDoc documents from your personal inbox.

Updated over 3 months ago

Note: This feature is in closed beta. Due to the beta status, there is no option to change the connected email or add a new one.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plan

Want an alternative to sending PandaDoc documents via PandaDoc email? You can connect your Gmail or Outlook business email client to send PandaDoc documents from your personal inbox.

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Enable Business email

Note: Only account owners and admins can modify Workspace settings.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Set up workspace

  2. Select the checkbox to Allow workspace users to send document using their business email.

  3. Select Save changes

This will allow users on your account to connect their business emails to send PandaDoc documents via their personal inbox instead of using PandaDoc email.

Warning: PandaDoc Support will be unable to help troubleshoot deliverability issues for emails sent from a personal email account.

Once this option is enabled in Workspace defaults, each user on the account will need to enable it under Personal > My account.

Note: If you use multiple workspaces within PandaDoc, you’ll need to enable the Business email setting within My account for each workspace.

Warning: If you use a Microsoft email client, it's possible that your IT administrator will need to approve the PandaDoc app in your email client settings. This may be required despite the fact that the PandaDoc app is certified by Microsoft.

Send documents via personal email

Once your business email is enabled in Workspace settings and Personal info, your documents will be sent from your personal email after you’ve selected the Send via email option.


Warning: If you use the Sent on behalf feature to send documents from another user with whom you share an account, recipients will still see your connected email under “Reply to” in their inbox.

If your recipients reply to the email containing a document, you’ll receive the reply in your personal inbox as well.

Disable Business email

You can easily switch emails to come from [email protected] for the workspace by deselecting the checkbox to to Allow workspace users to send document using their business email in Set up workspace.

Once this option is disabled, it will be disabled for each user.

Note: Only account owners and admins can modify Workspace settings.

To disable the business email for an individual user, ask them to navigate to Settings

> My account and uncheck the box under Business email.

Warning: Due to the beta status, there is no option to change the connected email or add a new one. If you disable and then enable the feature under Personal > My account, you will see the previously connected email.

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