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Microsoft Dynamics automations

Set automations in templates to streamline workflow with PandaDoc and Microsoft Dynamics.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: External Automations feature is available as a paid add-on for Business plan ($39 per month per account/ $468 per year per account) and is included in Enterprise plan.

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Learn how to set up automations in your templates here.

How to authorize the connection between Microsoft Dynamics and PandaDoc

  1. Firstly, make sure to register the Workato application in the Azure AD by following the steps in this guide

  2. Select Authorization code grant as the Authentication type

  3. You need to fill in:
    - Subdomain: f.e.
    If your MS Dynamics 365 URL is, your subdomain will be
    - Account type: f.e. Cloud
    Indicate if you are connecting to a cloud instance or an on-premise instance
    - Client ID: your app client ID from AzureAD
    - Client secret: your app secret from AzureAD
    - Version: 8

  4. Next, sign in with Microsoft.

Update Microsoft Dynamics opportunity products whenever a document’s status is updated

  1. Select “When PandaDoc document status changed then update line items in MS Dynamics”


  2. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created via Microsoft Dynamics — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  3. Select Connect to authorize the connection between Microsoft Dynamics and PandaDoc via Workato

  4. Select Save


  5. Create a document via a Microsoft Dynamics opportunity using this template and update products pulled to the pricing table.

If you choose “Sent” document status as a trigger and update the products in a created via a deal document, the product information will be updated in the deal once you send it.


If you’ve selected “Completed” as a trigger status, product info in your opportunity will be updated if you update the products in the pricing table before sending it, or if a document signer updates the quantity of products in the pricing table (providing you have quantity editing enabled before sending it).


Product information that can be updated in Microsoft Dynamics opportunities:

  • Price

  • Quantity

  • Discount

Note: Only products from the pricing list are supported. Product information won’t be updated in write-in products.

Change Microsoft Dynamics quote stage when document status is updated

Note: Before using automations, make sure you have the latest Microsoft Dynamics integration package.

  1. Select the “When document status changed, Then change quote stage on Microsoft Dynamics”


  2. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created from Microsoft Dynamics — you can choose between “Declined” and “Completed”

  3. Select Connect to authorize the connection between Microsoft Dynamics and PandaDoc via Workato

  4. Select the quote stage from the dropdown menu — you can choose between “Won” and “Lost”

  5. Select Save


Once the status of a PandaDoc document created from this template is changed to “Completed” or “Declined,” the quote stage will automatically move to “Won” or “Lost” (depending on your automation setup).

Change Microsoft Dynamics opportunity stage whenever a document’s status is updated

Note: Before using automations, make sure you have the latest Microsoft Dynamics integration package.

  1. Select the “When document status changed, Then change quote stage on Microsoft Dynamics”


  2. Select trigger status for PandaDoc documents created from Microsoft Dynamics — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  3. Select Connect to authorize the connection between Microsoft Dynamics and PandaDoc via Workato

  4. Select the opportunity stage from the dropdown menu — you can choose between “Won” and “Canceled”


As soon as a PandaDoc document created from this template via an opportunity is completed or declined, the opportunity stage will automatically move to “Won” or “Lost” (depending on your automation setup).

Create a note for a Quote/Opportunity in MS Dynamics when document activity happens

  1. Select “When PandaDoc document activity happens add a note for Quote in MS Dynamics”/ “When PandaDoc document activity happens add a note for Opportunity in MS Dynamics”


  2. Select Connect to authorize the connection between Microsoft Dynamics and PandaDoc via Workato

  3. Select Save


Now each time you create a document from this template via an opportunity or a quote in Microsoft Dynamics a note will be added once to the Summary tab (if created via an opportunity) or to the Details tab (if created via a quote) whenever any of the following activity happens to the document:

  • {PandaDoc user} created a document {Document name}

  • {PandaDoc user} sent a document {Document name} to {Recipients}

  • Document {Document name} was viewed

  • Document {Document name} has been completed

  • Document {Document name} was signed by {Signer name}

  • Document {Document name} is waiting for payment

  • A new revision for {Document name} document has been created (is displayed when the document is sent and edited afterward)

  • Document {Document name} expired

  • Document {Document name} was paid

  • Document {Document name} was declined

  • Document {Document name} was deleted

Move a document to Details tab in Microsoft Dynamics quotes

  1. Select “When PandaDoc document status changed Then attach PDF to MS Dynamics”


  2. Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created from Microsoft Dynamics — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  3. Authorize connection between MS Dynamics and PandaDoc via Workato

  4. Select Save


  5. Create a document using this template in a Microsoft Dynamics quote object, then send it​


  6. Within PandaDoc, open the created document and select Apps on the right panel


  7. Find Microsoft Dynamics, then select Link, then the quote you created this document from


Once you set up the automation and link the document you’ve created via quote to the object in PandaDoc, the PDF will be attached to details once it’s been sent or completed (depending on your automation setup).


Move a document to SharePoint

Important: Ensure you enable the "AllSites.Manage" permissions when registering the Workato app in Azure.

  1. Firstly, make sure to register the Workato application in the Azure AD by following the steps in this guide

  2. Select “When PandaDoc document status changed then upload PDF to SharePoint”


  3. Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created from this template — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”

  4. Authorize connection between SharePoint and PandaDoc via Workato. You need to select Authorization code grant as the Authentication type and only provide the SharePoint subdomain

  5. Select Save


Each time the document you create using this template is sent or completed (depending on your automation setup), it will be automatically uploaded to a newly created folder under Documents in your SharePoint account.

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