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Zendesk Sell

This integration allows you to pass information from Zendesk Sell into PandaDoc (via fields); pass product data into PandaDoc pricing tables; create and track documents from Zendesk Sell.

Updated over 3 months ago

PandaDoc integrates with both Zendesk Sell and Zendesk Support. To find out more about our integration with Zendesk Support, click here.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

Watch an overview video:

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  • Variables: Automatically pass information from Zendesk Sell to PandaDoc documents by using variables.

  • Products: Transfer product information from Zendesk Sell deals to PandaDoc pricing tables.

  • Create documents: Create PandaDoc documents from Leads, Contacts (Company and Person), and Deal objects in Zendesk Sell.

  • Status tracking: Track document status in Zendesk Sell.

Add PandaDoc to Zendesk Sell

To use PandaDoc’s integration with Zendesk Sell, the admin of the Zendesk Sell account should follow these steps:

  1. Go to Zendesk Marketplace and find the PandaDoc app.


  2. Open the PandaDoc app page and click Install.


  3. Select the account (workspace) in which you’ll install the app.


  4. Set up visibility rules for roles and groups in the app (if necessary), then confirm the installation.

PandaDoc is now installed and available on the right panel on Lead, Company, Contact, and Deal entity pages for all users.

If you’re logged out of your PandaDoc account, you’ll need to authorize the application in Zendesk Sell by clicking the Connect button in the PandaDoc widget.


Another way to install PandaDoc’s integration for Zendesk is through your PandaDoc account. Go to PandaDoc’s Integrations page, find Zendesk Sell, then click Learn more. Watch the tutorial video on integration, then visit Zendesk Marketplace to install the app by clicking the Install button.

Note: This integration allows you to create, track, and pass data to PandaDoc documents in multiple workspaces. Once you enable the integration and log into a workspace, go to the Related Documents section. Here you’ll see only those documents created within the integration and located within the workspace you’re currently logged into.

Set up your templates to use in Zendesk Sell

Before you start creating documents from Zendesk Sell, you can pre-set a PandaDoc template with variables that will pull information from Zendesk Sell whenever you create a new document from a Deal, Person, Company, or Lead using this template. Here’s how:

  1. Open your template (click here to learn how to create a new one) in PandaDoc.

  2. Open Zendesk Sell in a separate tab. In the Deal, Person, Company, or Lead, click the gear icon in the top right corner > View Tokens/Variables. You’ll now see a list of available variables showing entity fields and their associated values in Zendesk Sell.


  3. Copy and paste these variables (including square brackets!) into your template.

  4. Create a new document from Zendesk Sell using this template. Variables will now be populated with the info from Zendesk Sell.


If you’re working with a template created via upload, first add a text or table block, then paste variables into the block(s).

Zendesk custom fields will appear in the list of variables, along with standard fields.

Note: The time zone in variables is determined by local settings.

Use Deal variables to populate documents with Contact, Company, and Deal information

When you create your document from a Deal, you can populate it not only with Deal information, but also with Primary Contact and Company information associated with your Deal.

Here's what the Primary Contact looks like:


The document will also appear in the PandaDoc widget for the corresponding Primary Contact.


Use PandaDoc Roles to send Contact data from a Zendesk Sell Deal

With a Template Role, you can send information (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Company) from the Primary Contact and additional Contacts in Zendesk Sell Deals to PandaDoc. Here’s how:

  1. Add a Role on the PandaDoc template by clicking the Manage button > Add role.


  2. To access Role variables, click Variables on the right-side panel, find your Role variables, then click on a variable to copy and paste it onto the template body.


  3. Create your document using this template, then assign your Contacts to the Roles.

Passing information from Zendesk Sell into PandaDoc (via fields)

You can pass data into PandaDoc fields similarly to how variables operate. Unlike with variables, however, you don’t need to include square brackets.

In the list of tokens, copy the token without square brackets into Merge field.


Once the document has been sent, the recipient will see the pre-filled data and be able to update this field, provided the field has been assigned to them.

Pass Zendesk Sell product information into PandaDoc pricing tables

You can send Name, Description, Selling price, QTY, SKU, Line item discounts, and Pricing variations for products added to Zendesk Sell deals.

To allow a PandaDoc pricing table to accept products from Zendesk Sell, first add a pricing table to your template. Data merge is automatically enabled.


Alternatively, click on the Properties, then on the right-side Settings panel select Set up data merge. In the pop-up window click on Enable.


Note: If you have a list of products in different currencies in your Deal, they will all appear in PandaDoc in the currency of your template’s pricing table.

When you start a new document from a Deal (assuming you’ve added products to it), make sure you select your template. Products will then be added to the pricing table. If certain fields aren’t displayed, click the plus sign on the right side of the pricing table, then select the fields under Add hidden.

That's it for the set-up!


Create and track documents from Zendesk Sell

Now that you've created and set up your template, you can create and send documents from Zendesk Sell. Here’s how:

  1. Go to a record, find the PandaDoc module, and click Create new document.


  2. Choose your template and, if applicable, assign recipients to Roles. Note: Primary and secondary contacts will be added in CC.


  3. Click Continue, then check your document’s variables, content, recipients list, and reminders. Then, send your document!


  4. You can now return to the document’s record in Zendesk Sell and track its status anytime.



How can I migrate from the old integration?

Here’s how to migrate from our Classic Editor integration to our Editor 2.0 integration:

  1. Install the updated version of PandaDoc in Zendesk Sell marketplace.

  2. Start using the new PandaDoc extension in Zendesk Sell.

  3. Contact our support team about conducting a migration that will show previously created documents in the new PandaDoc extension.

  4. If your automation is based on document metadata, update your configuration to check zendesk_sell.deal_id metadata key instead of basecrm.deal_id.

Additionally, with the new integration, you can use zendesk_sell.company_id, zendesk_sell.lead_id, and zendesk_sell.contact_id when a document is created from a corresponding entity.

My document is not listed in Related documents under a Contact.

If a Lead was converted to a Contact in Zendesk Sell, then the documents created at the Lead stage will not be shown for the Contact.

Some of my Zendesk Sell variables aren’t populating.

There are a few reasons this could happen:

  1. The variable characters haven’t been matched exactly to the mapped variable. Go to Actions > View PandaDoc Tokens/Variables to verify that they match.

  2. You’re using a variable from another Zendesk Sell record type that isn’t supported in the record from which you’re creating your document. For example, Deal tokens/variables won't work when you create documents from Contacts.

  3. No value has been provided in the property mapped to your Zendesk Sell variable.

The name of the document I’ve created is different from the name of my template.

The name of the document you create is determined by the name of the entity you create it from:

Zendesk Sell entity

Document name


Lead Name

Contact (Person)

First Name + Last Name of the contact (person)

Contact (Company)

Company name


Deal name

The total discount of my products isn’t being passed to the pricing table in PandaDoc.

The total discount added to the product in your Deal isn’t supported. You’ll need to add it manually.

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