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This integration allows you to create, send, and track documents from Tickets and Users in Zendesk.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

This integration allows you to create, send, and track documents from Tickets and Users in Zendesk.

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Variables: You can pass information from Zendesk to PandaDoc documents automatically with the help of variables.

Create documents: You can create PandaDoc documents from Zendesk Tickets and Users.

Status tracking: You can track document status in Zendesk.

Install the integration

  1. Log in to your Zendesk account, click the Settings icon, click Marketplace, then search for PandaDoc. Once found, click on PandaDoc to install

  2. Click on the Install button

  3. Once you’ve installed the module, you’ll see the configuration window. You can enable role and group restrictions at this point

  4. Click Install.


Next, open a Ticket or User, then click Apps in the top right corner. The PandaDoc module will load on the right side of your screen. If you have several apps installed, you may need to scroll down to see it. Click Connect and log in to your PandaDoc account. That’s it!


Transfer information from Zendesk to PandaDoc

In order to pass transfer information between Zendesk and PandaDoc, you’ll need to set up your template with variables — these are placeholders for dynamic information.

Note: A template is a master copy used for similar documents. Once you’ve added content and design elements to your template, you can create multiple documents from this template in a few clicks by adding specific client information with the help of variables.

  1. Go to your PandaDoc account and open Templates

  2. Open an existing template or create a new one

  3. Then, go back to your Zendesk Ticket or User, and find the PandaDoc module

  4. Click the gear icon and select Variables

  5. You’ll now see a list of available variables (highlighted in yellow) and corresponding data that can be sent to PandaDoc documents

  6. Copy the variable (including the square brackets) and paste it into the template where you need it

  7. When you create a PandaDoc document from Zendesk using the template, the variables will be replaced with the corresponding values from Zendesk.

Warning: Variables can be set up for either Tickets or Users. Only the variables listed in that particular record will be available when you create a document from it — cross-record population won’t be possible.

Transfer contact information with Template roles

Template roles are placeholders for future recipients. Once added to the template, a role generates 11 role variables used for contact information. You can use First Name, Last Name, and Email address variables, along with all the variables available through Zendesk.

  1. Open your template, then click on +Add roles at the top and add a role

  2. Click Variables in the right panel, next find the default role variables by the role name at the beginning, e.g. Client.FirstName

  3. Copy a variable and paste it where you need it in the template

  4. When you create a document from a Zendesk Ticket or User, select your template and assign actual contacts to roles

  5. The variables will be replaced with contact information from Zendesk.

Create and track documents

  1. Open a Ticket or User record, find the PandaDoc panel, then click Create new document.

  2. Select your template, assign recipients to roles, and click Start editing.

  3. The variables will be replaced with information from Zendesk; the recipients will be added automatically.

  4. If certain variables are empty, you can fill them out by clicking the variables icon and adding the values on the right. The variables will be updated across the entire document.

  5. Send your document, then close the PandaDoc window.

  6. You'll see the sent document on the right. Its status will be automatically updated as recipients view and sign the document.


The variables aren’t filled out after I’ve created a document

Please check that your variables are copied exactly as they appear in the variables list in Zendesk. Don’t forget the square brackets!

The next thing to look at is whether the field has a value in Zendesk.

Only the variables listed in the particular record will be filled out when creating a document. If you create documents from Tickets, do not use the variables from the User record since cross-record population is unavailable.

PandaDoc module continuously asks to sign in

It’s likely you have the “Block third party cookies” setting enabled in your browser. Depending on which browser you’re using, follow one of these links to disable this setting:

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