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Microsoft Dynamics. Installation Guide
Microsoft Dynamics. Installation Guide

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM you can create, send, and track documents from Opportunity, Account, Contact, Quotes, and custom entities.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

This integration will allow you to create, send, and track documents from Opportunity, Account, Contact, Quotes, and custom entities from Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Watch an overview video:

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Learn how to create and send PandaDoc documents from Microsoft Dynamics CRM here.

Install PandaDoc in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Important: Check the changelog before you upgrade.

Go to the Microsoft App Source and click on Get it Now.

Alternatively, you can use the links below to download the package you need:

Supported cloud versions: Dynamics 365

Supported on-premise versions: Dynamics 365 8.2 and later

Cloud Microsoft Dynamics 365

Choose the organization to install the application (if using multiple organization accounts).

Then, you need to “Agree” to Microsoft’s Legal Terms and Privacy statement. Review any policies if needed, check both boxes, and click on Install.

Next, you will find the PandaDoc integration listed among your installed solutions. Wait until the status of the integration indicates "Installed".

If you have downloaded the package as a .zip file from above, you will need to import it manually.

Go to Power Apps and select the specified Environment. Next, choose Solutions from the left panel and click the Import solution button on the top, then upload the .zip file.

On-premise Microsoft Dynamics 365

Click on the gear icon in the top right corner, then select Advanced Settings.

Under Settings go to Customization and click on Solutions.

In the Solutions tab, click the Import icon and select the .zip file.

Add PandaDoc module to Microsoft Dynamics Entities

Setup the PandaDoc module to be used with most of Microsoft Dynamics standard and custom entities. Follow the guides below to configure form properties and Iframe.

Warning: The PandaDoc module must be installed for each Microsoft Dynamics entity separately.

Cloud Microsoft Dynamics 365

Start with setting up form properties:

  1. Go to Power Apps and select the specified Environment.

  2. Find the necessary Entity (Table)

  3. Click Forms and select one with the "Main" form type.

Next, follow the steps below to set up Iframe:

  1. Expand Components from the left panel and find the External website

  2. Drag the External website to the form

  3. Fill the URL with the following value and click on Done:

  4. Expand Form libraries from the left panel and select Add library

  5. Find in the list “pandadoc_/Components/EntityForms/form.bundle.js” and confirm adding it

  6. Set Iframe component properties:
    - Label - you can pick any
    - Name – “pandadoc” (use lowercase characters without quotes)
    - Formatting > Component height = min 10rows
    - Uncheck “Restrict cross-frame scripting” if it checked

  7. Go to the Events tab for the Iframe properties

  8. Click Add Event Handler and set properties:
    - Event Type – On Ready State Complete
    - Library – chose “pandadoc_/Components/EntityForms/form.bundle.js”
    - Function – “initPandaDoc” (without quotes)
    - Check Enabled
    - Check Pass execution context as first parameter

  9. Confirm

  10. Save and publish.

On-premise Microsoft Dynamics 365

Start with setting up form properties:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner, then select Advanced Settings

  2. Under Settings, click Customizations > Customize the System

  3. Select Entities and unfold your entity

  4. Click Forms and select one with the "Main" form type.

Next, go to the INSERT tab, select IFRAME, and enter the following data:

Next, open the added component properties by double-clicking, and follow these steps:

  1. Select the Events tab

  2. Expand Form libraries and click on Add

  3. Find in the list “pandadoc_/Components/EntityForms/form.bundle.js” and add by clicking on Add

  4. Next, in the Event handlers select Add:
    - Library – chose “pandadoc_/Components/EntityForms/form.bundle.js”
    - Function – initPandaDoc (without quotes)
    - Check Enabled
    - Click on the OK button

  5. Confirm that both Form libraries and Event handlers have PandaDoc setup, then click on the OK button

  6. Save and publish.

Team Permissions to gain access to the PandaDoc integration

For Cloud Microsoft Dynamics 365: Go to Power Platform Admin Center, then select the environment from the list, and next click on Users or Teams on the right panel.

For On-premise Microsoft Dynamics 365: Click the gear icon in the top right, then select Advanced Settings and choose Settings in the opened window.

Go to Security, and next click on Users or Teams.

Find a specified User or Team and assign the necessary Security Role. There is the available role for "PandaDoc User" and "PandaDoc Admin". The "PandaDoc User" role doesn't allow to modify the tokens list, only using the existing setup. Users with the "PandaDoc Admin" role can add and remove tokens from the list.

Access Microsoft Dynamics CRM entities to review the PandaDoc module

To access the PandaDoc module, open any entity with PandaDoc iFrame and scroll down to the module. If you see a message to connect, click Connect and log in to your PandaDoc account.

This integration works with multiple workspaces. Enable the integration once and log into the desired workspace. In the Related Documents section, you will see only the documents created within the integration and located inside the workspace you are logged into.

Once you’re connected, you will see a list of related documents to your entity, if applicable.


Removing PandaDoc from Microsoft Dynamics

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics, click the gear icon in the top right corner > Advanced Settings. Under Settings, click Solutions.


  2. Check the box next to PandaDoc Integration, then click on Delete. Once done, click OK to confirm the deletion.


Learn how to create and send PandaDoc documents from Microsoft Dynamics CRM here.


Login loop

If you're repeatedly prompted to sign in to PandaDoc, check your browser settings to ensure that third-party cookies are enabled.

Blank PandaDoc iFrame

After updating the integration package, if the PandaDoc module does not appear within an entity, you may need to manually add the PandaDoc iFrame to the object. For instructions, refer to this section.

PandaDoc iFrame stuck on loading screen

If the PandaDoc module remains stuck on the loading screen, make sure you save the record you're working on (e.g., opportunity, account) before opening the PandaDoc module. This issue often occurs when a new record is created but not saved before accessing the module.

Boolean field type only passes first value as a token

If a Boolean field only passes the first value (e.g., "Yes" in a "Yes/No" field) as a token to PandaDoc, it means only the first option is being recognized. To fix this, use an OptionSet field instead of a Boolean field.

Blank or gray screen during document creation

If you encounter a blank or gray screen when trying to create a new document, your permissions may be misconfigured. Have your account admin check the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Security.

  2. Select Security Roles.

  3. Open the affected user's Team Member Role.

  4. Go to the Custom Entities tab and locate PandaDoc Tokens Mapping.

  5. Ensure the Read permission is enabled.

PandaDoc missing on some standard objects

If PandaDoc is not visible on certain standard objects (Opportunity, Account, Contact, Quotes) after installing the integration, it may be due to custom settings or connections preventing the iframe from being added automatically.

In this case, manually add the PandaDoc iFrame to the object. For detailed instructions, refer to the this article.

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