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Microsoft Dynamics changelog
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this section, you will find the list of the latest package versions for MS Dynamics 365 and important updates related to them.

Follow this guide for the initial setup for Microsoft Dynamics.

List of versions

Release date: 1/4/2024

Fixed the "PandaDoc application is not supported" error in PandaDoc iframe when creating new records.


Release date: 12/8/2023

Compatibility with Sales Accelerator

We fixed the script error related to the incompatibility of the PandaDoc iframe with the Sales Accelerator functionality.

To successfully apply the update, you must select the Pass execution context as first parameter setting for the PandaDoc component at the entity form level.


Value of the custom field is passed via variable

Now, you must use variables as detailed names to populate the custom fields correctly (for example, use Opportunityproduct.new_customfield instead of custom field).

Make sure you have updated your pricing tables and Quote Builder entities across all templates, and changed field names in them to detailed names. Find a detailed name for each variable in the Advanced Settings > Extensions > PandaDoc Settings section. In the screenshot below, detailed names are highlighted with yellow.



Release date: 9/13/2023

Default MS Dynamics fields are shown in the Configure Tokens section

We have restored visibility for several default MS Dynamics fields. You can find them in the Configure Tokens section and use their values in your documents.

Here's the list of the restored fields:

  • Quote:

    • Total Amount

    • Total Detail Amount

    • Revision ID

    • Total Line Item Amount

  • Opportunity: Owning User

  • Contact: Full Name

Security roles implementation

We have added the roles with preset permissions to access PandaDoc: PandaDoc User and PandaDoc Admin.

Fields of the Option set type can be passed to the Pricing table

You can now pass the Option set fields related to the Opportunity product object to the Pricing table. Learn more: Send product information from an Opportunity or a Quote to a pricing table.

Responsive design for landscape-oriented documents

We have improved interacting with the documents created from landscape-oriented templates in the iframe:

  • The content of the document is centered if the size of the page changes.

  • Left thumbnails panel doesn’t overlap the document content.


OData version update

We have updated the package API to the latest OData version (v 4.0). No action is required from your side.

Select more than six lookup fields for an entity

Previously, the display of the iframe was interrupted if you selected more than six fields of the lookup type for the entity. We have fixed this, so now you can work with more lookup fields for the same entity.

Custom money field

You can now pass the value of the custom money fields to the documents.

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