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Zoho CRM

Pass products, and data via variables, create documents from Accounts, Contacts, Deal/Potential, Lead and Quotes objects in Zoho CRM.

Updated over 3 months ago

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

Start PandaDoc documents from Accounts, Contacts, Deal/Potential, Lead, and Quotes objects in Zoho CRM.

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Variables: You can pass information from Zoho CRM to PandaDoc documents automatically with the help of variables.

Products: Transfer product information from Zoho CRM deals to PandaDoc pricing tables.

Create documents: You can create PandaDoc documents from Zoho CRM Accounts, Contacts, Deal/Potential, Lead, and Quotes.

Status tracking: You can track the status of documents in Zoho CRM.

Install the integration

Install PandaDoc in Zoho CRM:

  1. Login into your PandaDoc account, here. In order to install, you must be logged into your PandaDoc Account

  2. Go to Zoho CRM to Setup > Marketplace > All Extensions > Search for PandaDoc. Once reviewed, click on the button Install


  3. Confirm your Zoho CRM account and agree to the Terms and Service

  4. Next, review and confirm which team members of your Zoho CRM account to use the integration. If you want All Users, choose Install for all users, then click on the Confirm button


  5. Once completed, you will receive a message “Your extension has been installed successfully”

  6. Next, Authorize connection with the PandaDoc account and complete the steps in order to fully connect the two applications together.


This integration allows to create and pass data to PandaDoc documents in multiple workspaces. Enable the integration once and log into the desired workspace. In the Related Documents section, you will see only the documents created within the integration and located inside the workspace that was connected to Zoho CRM first.

Warning: You must be logged into the workspace connected with an active Zoho CRM to use the integration.

Enable ZohoCRM integration in PandaDoc.

  1. Log into PandaDoc, select your name in the lower-left corner, then select Integrations, click on Zoho CRM and you will see a list of instructions

  2. Choose Zoho zone: .eu, .com, .au, .in, .ca, .jp, .sa, or .uk (depending on what ZohoCRM version you are using)

Pass data from ZohoCRM to PandaDoc

Before you start sending out documents from ZohoCRM, set up your template to pass data from ZohoCRM.

Use PandaDoc Roles to import Contact information

With template roles, you can import contact information (first name, last name, email address, company, phone, job title, street address, city, postal code, country, state/region) from a Zoho CRM.

In case you pre-assign a recipient on the template level, they will be automatically assigned to the role when the document is created.

  1. Open your template, then click on +Add roles at the top and add a role

  2. Click Variables in the right panel, next find the default role variables by the role name at the beginning, e.g. Client.FirstName

  3. Copy a variable and paste it where you need it in the template

Set up your variables to pre-populate your documents with data from Zoho CRM

Variables will save your time auto-filling information from a deal, company or people record into a document:

  1. To view all of the available data that you can push from a record in Zoho CRM via variables to a document, open a Zoho CRM record, click on Send with PandaDoc, then select Show PandaDoc tokens from the dropdown menu


  2. Copy the variable name with the square brackets and add it to the template


Passing information from Zoho CRM into PandaDoc (via fields)

You can pass data into PandaDoc fields similarly to how variables operate. Unlike with variables you don’t need to include square brackets.


In the list of tokens, copy the token without square brackets into Merge field.

Once the document has been sent, the recipient will see the pre-filled data and be able to update this field, provided the field has been assigned to them.

Pass product information

Import product information into PandaDoc pricing table

What will be passed:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Price

  • Quantity

  • Tax (only from Quotes in Zoho CRM)

  • Discount (only from Quotes in Zoho CRM)

  • Product code as SKU

  • Custom product fields (only from Deals in Zoho CRM)

As with variables/tokens, you need to pre-set a template to accept product information from Zoho CRM.

  1. Setup Products in Zoho CRM and add them to a Zoho CRM record (Contacts, Accounts, Lead, Deal/Potentials and Quotes)

  2. Add a pricing table to your template. Data merge is automatically enabled.

Note: In order to pass product QTY, make sure the Zoho CRM field name is "Quantity" and not anything else so that PandaDoc can recognize it and map it to the pricing table column.


Alternatively, click on the Properties, then on the right-side Settings panel select Set up data merge. In the pop-up window click on Enable.


When you create a document from Zoho CRM using this template, your products will populate in the pricing table.

Import product information into PandaDoc quote builder

You can send product information to a quote builder block from deals and quotes in Zoho. Start by adding a quote builder block to your template, then create a document from a deal or quote in Zoho.


Once you’ve created a document using this template, the following product information will be sent to the quote block:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Price

  • Quantity

  • Tax (only from Quotes in Zoho)

  • Discount (only from Quotes in Zoho)

  • Product code as SKU

  • Custom product fields (only from Deals in Zoho)

To unhide custom fields in your newly created document, click on the quote builder block, select Edit quote on the floating panel, select Add column at the top right of the section, then select your custom column from the dropdown under Show hidden.


Note: If your quote builder block contains several sections, products will be pulled to the last section by default. If your template contains several quote builder blocks, products from your deals/quotes will be pulled to each block. Click here to learn how to map items to specific quote builder sections.

Pass discounts, taxes and custom product fields

Within the integration, you can pass line item taxes and discounts from Quotes in Zoho CRM only. You can pass custom fields from deals in Zoho CRM.

On a document (assuming you have created it from Zoho CRM):

  1. Click on the pricing table and click the plus sign on the right side or right-click in any cell

  2. Under Add hidden, select your Discount, Tax, or custom product fields

  3. The discount/tax/custom field column will be added to the pricing table and the value from Zoho CRM will be displayed

Sending a document through Zoho CRM

Now that you have setup the integration and templates, try creating a new document:

  1. Go to a Zoho CRM record, click Send with PandaDoc


  2. Select your template, assign recipients to roles if applicable

  3. Check your document and send it out

  4. Go back to the Zoho CRM record, scroll down to PandaDoc Documents: you can track document status from there.


Save completed documents to attachments in Zoho

If you'd like to have completed PDFs saved in the attachment module in Accounts, Contacts, Deal/Potential, Lead, or Quotes within Zoho, you’ll need to have Email attachment enabled in the templates you use to create documents from Zoho.

By enabling Email attachment in Workspace defaults, you’ll ensure all your newly created templates and documents will inherit this feature.

To enable Email attachment for templates and documents you’ve already created, select Manage at the top of the page, then switch on the toggle for Attach a PDF to email under 'Recipient permissions'.


Note: If the completed PDF exceeds the integration limit of 20 MB, it won’t be automatically attached.

Uninstall integration

To uninstall the integration from your Zoho CRM Account, go to Wrench icon > Setup > Marketplace > Find PandaDoc in Installed apps and click on Uninstall.


The integration isn’t pulling any information from Zoho CRM to PandaDoc, or you are seeing the integration error

If the Zoho CRM <> PandaDoc integration isn’t pulling any information from Zoho CRM to PandaDoc, or you’re seeing the error shown below, a simple reconnect should help.


Please open your PandaDoc account, select your name in the lower-left corner, then select Integrations. After that, select Zoho CRM, and at the top right corner click Disable. Once disabled, you can click to reconnect. Any documents created from Zoho CRM will not be unlinked from Zoho CRM.

If this didn’t help, open your Zoho CRM account, go to Setup > Customization: Modules > Organize Modules, and move ‘Products’ from ‘Unselected Tabs’ to ‘Selected Tabs’ section. Since ‘Contact’ relates to its parent Account, the ‘Account’ module must also be in the ‘Selected Tabs’ section to allow documents to be imported from the ‘Contact’ module.

PandaDoc Documents section in Zoho CRM is empty

If the PandaDoc Documents section in Zoho CRM says the integration is not connected, you’ll need to authorize the connection between Zoho CRM and PandaDoc. Note that this can be done only by the account admin who first connected the integration.


In Zoho, please go to Settings > Marketplace > Installed, open PandaDoc, and click ​the green Authorize button to authorize the app.


Then, open a Zoho record you create documents from, and create a new test document via the PandaDoc integration. Check to see that the document appears in the list in Zoho CRM.


Authtoken limit for your account exceeded

Zoho CRM has set a limit on using their AuthTokens to avoid incorrect usage. If you see the error message like this:


All you need to do is to go to My account > Active AuthTokens and remove the unused AuthTokens.


Creating a document in the Any Object, does not send data over to PandaDoc

To resolve the issue, please go to Setup > Customization: Modules > Organize Modules, and move ‘Products’ from ‘Unselected Tabs’ to ‘Selected Tabs’ section. Since ‘Contact’ relates to its parent Account, ‘Account’ module also must be in ‘Selected Tabs’ section – to be able to import documents from ‘Contact’ module.

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