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Currency formatting

Learn how to set up, customize, and reset currency formatting in PandaDoc templates and documents.

Updated today

Note: As we’re gradually releasing this functionality to our customers, you might not see it within your account right away.

Currency formatting provides complete flexibility in displaying currency amounts within your proposals.

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Setting up default currency formatting

Go to Settings > Document settings > and scroll to Currency. Switch to your currency and click on Save changes.

In the pop-up window, you can set up:

  • Display options and the position of the currency symbol

  • Number of decimal places

  • Thousands and cents separators

The default currency formatting will then be applied to system variables, pricing tables, and quote builder blocks in all new templates and documents. Additionally, all catalog items will use the default currency formatting, and documents in the document list will inherit the formatting set up for the document.

Warning: The default currency formatting will not be applied to forms, so you’ll need to set this up separately.

Set up currency formatting in a template, document, or form

Note: If you set up custom currency formatting at the template level, any document created from this template will inherit these settings.

To set up custom currency formatting at the document, template, or form level, follow these steps:

  1. Open your template, document, or form, then use the currency icon in the upper-right to Set Document value

  2. On the right panel, select Currency and formatting

  3. Configure your currency formatting and select Apply to apply the custom currency formatting to the pricing table or quote builder. Alternatively, select the small arrow next to the Apply button and select Apply to all content within the document or Apply only to document value

You'll be able to customize:

  • Display options and the position of the currency symbol

  • Number of decimal places

  • Thousands and cents separators

Note: The currency formatting setup in your templates won't be applied to currency variables pulled from a CRM.

Setting up currency formatting for a quote builder block

Note: Users with a Member role will be unable to customize currency formatting of a quote builder block in a template.

You can customize the currency formatting settings for a specific quote builder block in your template, document, or form. To do this:

  1. Select a quote builder in your template, document, or form and select Edit quote

  2. Next, select the gear icon at the top right and select Currency formatting on the right

  3. Configure your currency formatting and select Apply

  4. Save changes in your quote builder by selecting Save at the top right

How to reset currency formatting

You can easily reset the applied currency formatting to the currency’s default values by selecting the Reset button > Apply in the currency formatting modal window in:

  • Workspace defaults under Currency settings

  • Document/Template info under Currency settings

  • Quote builder currency settings

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