Availability: Essentials, Business, and Enterprise plans
Content blocks are the structural foundation of your templates and documents content. Drag and drop content blocks from the Content tab into your document. As you add multiple blocks, they will be positioned relative to each other, using a grid-like system to align blocks around each other.
Add content blocks
To add a new content block, simply drag and drop the block into your PandaDoc. To ensure new blocks are placed accurately, any existing content blocks will be highlighted with a blue sideline to help you place new blocks above, below, or between the currently existing blocks.
If you would like to duplicate a block in your template or document, simply select the block you would like to duplicate, then in the floating toolbar above the block select Duplicate.
In order to move a block, hover over it with your mouse until you see a white box with a green equal icon. Click the white box, then drag and drop the block to another location. When a side of another block’s blue outline turns bright blue, your selected block will move to that location.
If you have any blocks next to each other, they will automatically be spaced out evenly across the page. To make your one block wider or thinner than the others, you will need to hover over the block borders until a thin green line appears between the blocks. When this green line appears, drag that boundary side to side to give your blocks more/less room.
Delete and undo
To delete a block you no longer need, select the block and then click the Delete button (bin icon) on the floating panel above the block.
If you have accidentally removed a block you still need, use the Undo button in the editor toolbar to undo deleting that block.
Warning: Once you leave that template or document, all of your changes will be finalized and there will be no way to recover deleted blocks.
Every block has the option to change the min-height and block spacing which enables you to customize the block margins and padding. Select your block and press the Properties button on the floating toolbar above the block, next go to the Properties tab from the side menu.
Block Types
Text blocks are used for any static text you want to have in your template/document, including headings!
Once you have added text, use the top toolbar to:
Add a Heading
Add hyperlinks and bulleted lists
Change the font of a specific text block
Remove copied fonts, perfect for text that has been copied from an external document and pasted into your PandaDoc
To change the font on the entire template/document and add design, go to Design, then select Text or Headings under Typography.
Change block background and/or margins:
Click the Properties button
Over on the right add a background color
Click Advanced formatting to change margins
There are several ways you can add an image:
Drag and drop
Choose a local file
Google Drive
Image formats supported: GIF, JPG, PNG, WebP.
After adding the image, use the blue dots on the corners to make the image size larger or smaller, based on the dimensions of the image block.
Align the image to the left, right or center of the block using the floating toolbar above the image block. Use the property settings to change the image block background color.
To replace the image in your image block, use the replace button in the image toolbar. The new image will change the size of the image in the block, but the image block settings (alignment and background color) will remain the same.
You can also add a hyperlink to your image. Click on the image and click Insert link at the top of it. Add your link and save changes. Your recipients will be redirected to another page by clicking on the image.
Our video block does require a video URL. At this time only Wistia, Vidyard, Youtube, and Vimeo links are supported.
You can use the property settings to change the image block background color and the advanced formatting.
Click here to learn about the table block.
Pricing Table
The pricing table has extensive functionality which we cover in a separate article. Click here to learn about it.
Table of contents
The table of contents block automatically adds all headings from your text blocks into a linked table of contents. Follow these simple steps:
Add a heading text to your document by selecting it from the dropdown in the top toolbar
Add a Table of contents block
The ToC block will automatically refresh when you change your headings
Note: The linked Table of contents capability will not render in a PDF download.
In the table of contents properties, you can also:
Toggle on/off which heading numbers you’d like included or excluded from your table of contents
Toggle on/off left-side navigation for the recipient view
Toggle the setting to show editor/recipient view page numbers in your table of contents
Note: Page numbering in a PDF may differ from page numbering in your table of contents if a page in your document doesn’t properly fit a PDF page. In such a case, you’ll see a PDF page-break indicator on the left side of your document.)
Change the background color of your table of contents
Customize padding and margins of your table of contents under Advanced formatting
Duplicate or delete the block
Page Break
When you add in a page break, it will show a visual break in your page. This is particularly useful with the ability to mix and match content in a single template or document so you can add different types of content inside your document.
To remove a page break, you can use the ellipse in the top right corner of your page to merge it with the page above.
Note: The Page Break block still will not shrink content to fit onto one page, but we do have the PDF page break estimator to show you where a PDF page break will naturally occur.
Smart Content
Availability: Business* and Enterprise plans
* Conditional smart content is available as a paid add-on.
A smart content block allows you to pre-select content that other users on your account can add to a document.
Note: Smart content block can be added on the template level by a user with an Admin or a Manager role.
Note: You can't add a Smart Content block to a cover page or an uploaded page.
Learn more about PandaDoc conditional smart content and pre-select smart content.
Quote Builder
Availability: Business* and Enterprise plans
*Quote builder is a part of our CPQ add-on
Our new quote builder block makes it easy to tailor quotes to your prospects' needs. Make inconsistencies and inaccuracies a thing of the past by empowering your sales team to create top-quality quotes and close more deals.
Note: Only account owners and users with a Manager or Admin role can add a quote builder block.
We suggest adding quotes on the template level so your sales team will be able to use them to create documents (either by using an integration or within PandaDoc).
Find out more about Advanced quotes and how to set up a quote builder block.