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Auto reminders

With our auto reminders feature, you can set up reminders to be emailed automatically to any signers who haven’t yet completed the document.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

With our auto reminders feature, you can set up reminders to be emailed automatically to any signers who haven’t yet completed the document.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

You can disable/enable auto reminders by going to the "Workflow" section in the Marketplace.

We recommend setting up auto reminders on your templates. All new documents created from these templates will inherit these auto-reminder settings.

Note: Reminders can be sent to signers only.

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Set up auto reminders for all templates and documents

Select your profile image located in the lower-left corner to open Settings, then choose Document settings > Auto reminders.

Here, you can:

  • Toggle auto reminders on/off. This setting is enabled by default, but you can easily switch it off and send reminders manually when needed

  • Choose the delivery method for auto reminders.

    Note: When selecting auto reminders via Text (SMS), ensure that the recipients' phone numbers are added in the international format, such as +15551234567.

  • Customize the setting for the first reminder: "Send in…"

  • Customize the setting for the "Repeat reminders..." option.

Once you're finished, select Save changes at the bottom.

Once a reminder is sent, the recipient will receive a message: "{Sender name} is requesting that you sign {Document name} — you can open it at {Document link}."

Note: Sending reminders via Text (SMS), as well as sending documents via Text (SMS), requires the recipient's consent. Once the recipient's consent has been given, it will not be asked for again.

Set up auto reminders in a template or document

You can set up auto reminders for a specific template and all documents created from that template.

Open any template, then click the ellipses in the top right corner, choose Settings, and select Reminders from the dropdown (or go to Document info > Settings > Auto reminders) to set up and customize auto reminders:

  1. Toggle auto reminders on/off. When switched off you'll still have an option to send reminders manually when needed.

  2. Choose the delivery method for auto reminders.

    Note: When selecting auto reminders via Text (SMS), ensure that the recipients' phone numbers are added in the international format, such as +15551234567.

  3. Customize the setting for the first reminder: "Send in…"

  4. Customize the setting for the "Repeat reminders..." option.

Select Apply once finished.

Note: You can set up auto reminders the same way for a specific document.

Check auto reminder settings before sending a document

After you select on Send and modify the name of the document, you will see the “Send Document" popup. You will also see the reminders setting at the bottom — select it to enable or modify auto-reminders.

Review/modify auto reminders on a sent document

Open the document and then click the ellipses in the top right corner. Next, choose Settings and select Reminders from the dropdown to modify auto reminders on a sent document.

Track auto reminders in Latest activity and Timeline

When an auto reminder is sent to your signers, this event will show up in Timeline and under "Latest Activity" in the Document info panel.

Here’s what an auto reminder notification email looks like to a recipient:


Payment reminders

Payment reminders help you keep track of document payments by sending reminders to signers before, on, and after the payment due date.

Here’s how it works:

One-time payments

  • Before due date. A reminder is sent 3 days prior to the due date. This is enabled by default.

  • On due date. A reminder is sent on the due date itself, also enabled by default.

  • After due date. Up to four follow-up reminders are sent after the due date, spaced as follows:

    • 7 days after due date

    • 14 days after due date

    • 21 days after due date

    • 28 days after due date

Installment payments

  • Before due date. A reminder is sent 3 days prior to each installment due date, enabled by default.

  • On due date. A reminder is sent on each due date, enabled by default.

  • After due date. Similar to one-time payments, up to four follow-up reminders are sent, scheduled as follows:

    • 7 days after installment due date

    • 14 days after installment due date

    • 21 days after installment due date

    • 28 days after installment due date

How to stop reminders

If you need to stop reminders for specific document payments or at a workspace level, use the following options:

  • Document level. Mark a document as "Paid" in the Payment dashboard to stop reminders.

    Alternatively, manually change document status from the document list.

  • Workspace level. Disable due and overdue payment reminders by switching off the “Payment Reminders” setting in your Workspace Settings.​

Note: Payment reminders sent 3 days before the due date will not be disabled by this setting.

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