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Content reordering

A guide on how to rearrange pages, content blocks and documents within one document bundle.

Updated today

Availability: Essentials, Business, and Enterprise plans

When you’re working on a content library item, template, or document, and you need to rearrange pages, we've got an easy solution: simply click the Documents icon in the top left corner to open the document preview panel. This panel allows you to quickly jump from one page to another and rearrange content in your document.

As you navigate through your document, the page you’re currently on will be highlighted in green in the left panel. To move a page, simply drag and drop it to another location. When a green line appears between pages, your selected page will move to that location.


You can also change the position of several pages in your document at once. To do this, press Command on Mac (or Ctrl on Windows), select the pages you wish to move, then drag and drop them to their new position.


If you'd like to rearrange bundling documents drag a document by its title and drop it to the place you need once you see a green line between documents.

Note: You can only reorder pages within the same document.

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