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This integration allows you to create, send, and track quotes, proposals, and contracts from within SugarCRM.

Updated over a month ago

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This integration allows you to create, send, and track quotes, proposals, and contracts from within SugarCRM. You will be able to start the document creation process from an Opportunity, Account, Contact, Calls, Cases, Knowledge Base, Leads, Meetings, Revenue Line Items, Tasks, Quotes and any custom modules created in SugarCRM. Module records with all of your custom fields and contact information, product info as well as pricing details, will flow into your documents seamlessly.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

Note: The PandaDoc extension supports SugarCRM version 14.0, and will continue to work with older versions from 8.*.*. onwards. The new extension version can be found below.

Installation of PandaDoc in SugarCRM

Use the following link to download the “Zip” file that will be used to install PandaDoc into SugarCRM.

Note: You may need to clear your browser cache after installing new package.

  1. Access SugarCRM, go to Administration > Module Loader;

  2. Under Module, click “Choose File” and then click “Upload”;

  3. Once the package has been uploaded, click “Install”.


Once you install the new package, three domains -,, and would be automatically added to the Content Security Privacy Settings. These domains are necessary to allow content from PandaDoc. If you decide to uninstall PandaDoc package, you would need to manually remove these three domains.

Setup of the PandaDoc module for SugarCRM modules

In this example, we will add the module to Opportunities. However, you will also need to add this to other SugarCRM objects if you want to use the PandaDoc integration with those modules. Open the Opportunity, so you see all account and opportunity information on the left.

Note: You cannot add the PandaDoc module in List view.

  1. Provide a name for the new section and click save. Example: “PandaDoc”;


  2. Click “Add a Row” to add a new section;

  3. Click “Add Sugar Dashlet”;


  4. Search for PandaDoc, once found click “PandaDoc” under title;


  5. Click Save to add the PandaDoc module to the new section;

  6. The PandaDoc module will now show up in the new section. Click “Save” to complete the setup.


Access SugarCRM modules to review the newly added PandaDoc module

To access the PandaDoc module, open any object’s record. If you see a message that says "Connect your PandaDoc account", click “connect” and login to your PandaDoc account.

Once you’re connected, you will see a list of related documents in the module, if applicable.

This integration works with multiple workspaces. Enable the integration once and log into the desired workspace. In the Related Documents section, you will see only the documents created within the integration and located inside the workspace you are logged into.


Setup of PandaDoc Templates to be used with SugarCRM

Warning: This functionality isn't available to eSignature plan users.

Before creating documents, you should setup templates and the way you want to pull data from SugarCRM. In the following sections, we will discuss the setup of “Roles” and “Tokens”.

Using PandaDoc Roles, we can import the following contact information from a SugarCRM Opportunity module: First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Company.


Using SugarCRM – Contact Roles

If you re using Roles for SugarCRM, you can also match up the SugarCRM role to your PandaDoc Template Roles (see above) to automatically assign contacts to Roles. You must use the same naming convention for your PandaDoc template Roles.


Send data from SugarCRM to PandaDoc documents

Variables are very helpful timesavers that auto-fill information from a deal, contact or an organization record into a document.

To view all of the available data that you can push from an SugarCRM module record via variables to a document, you should configure the PandaDoc module in SugarCRM and select the variables to use.

Find this module, by clicking on Administration > Scroll down > PandaDoc section > Click “PandaDoc Tokens”.


Here you will see PandaDoc settings that includes details and information on configuring tokens/variables.

In the configure token section, you will see “Opportunity”, “Account” and “Contact” and ability to add other objects to be used with the integration. You can click on each module and you will see a list of fields. Next, click on “Add New”, next from the dropdown list, select your file and give it a name.

Note: Field entries are case-sensitive!

You can also use the button “Add All Fields as Tokens”, to add all your SugarCRM fields to be used in this integration.


Click in the “Enable Modules” section to setup other objects to be used with the integration.

You can also send over custom fields that you created in SugarCRM.


Now review the fields that were added for variables inside of the PandaDoc module. In this example we will go back to an Opportunity. On the right side, find the PandaDoc module. Click the green “gear” icon and then click “Variables”. You will then see a list of variables that you can use for PandaDoc templates for each object.


Using Variables from SugarCRM and adding to your PandaDoc Templates.

First, go to PandaDoc and open your template. Then copy and paste token IDs from the PandaDoc panel within SugarCRM into your template. The most important thing is to [place them into square brackets]. This is what differentiates them from regular text.


From now on every document that you create from an opportunity within SugarCRM — using this template — will be pre-filled this data.

Passing information from SugarCRM into PandaDoc (via fields)

You can pass data into PandaDoc fields similarly to how variables operate. Unlike with variables, however, you don’t need to include square brackets.

In the list of tokens, copy the token without square brackets into Merge field.


Once the document has been sent, the recipient will see the pre-filled data and be able to update this field, provided the field has been assigned to them.

Send product and pricing info to PandaDoc documents from a SugarCRM opportunity

Warning: This functionality isn't available to eSignature plan users.

PandaDoc offers options to use Revenue Line items and Quote line items to send to your PandaDoc pricing tables.

  1. Configure which items to be used in SugarCRM. Go to Administration > Scroll Down > PandaDoc tokens.


  2. You will see two options, “Revenue Line Items” and “Quote Line items”. Choose which types of product items to be sent to PandaDoc pricing tables. Note: You can choose only one.


  3. Setup PandaDoc to allow products from SugarCRM. For this, open your template, add a pricing table block and toggle on the “Data merge” feature. This will pull the SugarCRM product information including custom fields you added to your instance of SugarCRM.


Sending and tracking your documents

Under a SugarCRM object (Opportunities, Contact, Accounts), go to the PandaDoc module and click Create a new document.

Once you send out PandaDoc documents from SugarCRM, you can find the attached documents, by accessing the PandaDoc module for that specific module in SugarCRM.


Updating SugarCRM integration

If you would like to update the version of the SugarCRM integration, do not uninstall the previous version. You can download the above zip file and follow the steps above.

If after installing the new version you see an error saying “Non existing field dashboard_type in Module dashboards,” you may need to update the database in SugarCRM. In SugarCRM, go to Administration > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild.

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