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This integration will allow you to create, send, and track documents from Contacts, Organizations, Leads, Opportunities and Projects within Insightly.

Updated over a month ago

This integration will allow you to create, send, and track documents from Contacts, Organizations, Leads, Opportunities and Projects within Insightly.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

Who developed this integration?

Insightly. If you have any questions on how to setup and use this integration, please contact them directly for support.

Enable the integration

  1. Login to your Insightly account and go to System Settings > Integrations > Find PandaDoc and click Install.


  2. Once the installation is complete, you will see the message "This integration is currently installed".


This integration works with multiple workspaces. Enable the integration once and log into the desired workspace. In the Related Documents section, you will see only the documents created within the integration and located inside the workspace you are logged into.


Setup PandaDoc Templates to be used with Insightly

Warning: this functionality isn't available to eSignature plan users.

To pull data from Insightly, you need to setup your templates first. In the following sections, we will discuss the setup of “Roles” and “Variables”.

Use PandaDoc Roles to import Contact information

With template Roles, you can import contact information (First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Company) from an Insightly Lead.

  1. Create a Role first: open your template, click Roles at the top, add a Role.


  2. Access Role variables: click Data, find the role variables and add them in the template.


Using contact in Insightly Custom Links

Any Insightly Opportunity, Project, or Organization that has Contacts and/or Leads linked with an email to it, will be added to the recipient list of the generated PandaDoc document.


Pull information from Insightly to PandaDoc documents

Variables will save your time auto-filling information from a lead, company or people record into a document:

  1. Find a variable you need in the dropdowns below;

  2. Copy a Variable name with the square brackets and add it to the template.

Note: Variables will not work across all objects. To find the list of Variables available to use for your Insightly record, in this help guide and scroll down to the Variables to use with Insightly section. If you create a document from a Company, you may use only Company variables. If you create a document from a Lead, you may use only Lead variables. If you create a document from a Contact, you may use only Contact variables.


See variables in action:

Variables to use with Insightly

Contact Variables









Phone/Fax Numbers






Mailing Address






Other Address






Organization Variables








Shipping Address






Billing Address






Lead Variables
















Opportunity Variables













Project and pipeline Variables










Pipeline Information



Expand to learn how to use Custom Fields in Insightly

Custom Fields that have a value in any Insightly entity (Project, Opportunity, Organization, Contact) will be passed to the document, given that the variable is included in the template.

Business Rules for variables of custom fields:

  • Custom field label with spaces, or any special characters will be trimmed. Example: “Katy’s Custom Field?$” will become “KatysCustomField”.

  • Custom field labels with only special characters will be excluded. Example: “$$$”.

  • Custom field variable names are case sensitive.

  • The left part of any variable is determined based on the entity type. For Contact custom fields the variable will be [Contact.KatysCustomField].

Send and Track documents

  1. To access the PandaDoc toggle, open any Contacts, Organizations, Leads, Opportunities or Projects, then go to the “Related” tab, scroll down to “Files”. Click on the PandaDoc icon;

  2. Choose your template and assign Contacts to Roles, if applicable;

  3. Check the document and send it out.

  4. Go back to the Insightly record (lead, organization, project, etc) - PandaDoc document will be added as a file there.



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Add and as exceptions in Cookies settings to see if that helps.

For Chrome, Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Content Settings > Manage Exceptions for Cookies, Images and Javascript. Make sure to allow and for each setting.

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