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Zapier helps you automate your business by connecting your web applications with triggers and actions.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: PandaDoc - Business and Enterprise plans*, Zapier - all plans

* Additional volume-based charges might be applied when Zapier is used to generate document creation similarly to API.

Don’t see the integration you need? We created our own Zapier app so that you can connect your other systems to PandaDoc and automate your workflows even more.

Zapier helps you automate your business by connecting your web applications with triggers and actions. This way, you can set up a Zap that says “If PandaDoc does this, make X do that.” Or, “If X does this, make PandaDoc do that.”

You can also refer to the Zapier guide on using PandaDoc here

Note: At this time, PandaDoc Support Team is unable to provide assistance with all apps that integrate with Zapier. However, we provide support with the Featured Zaps listed below. Our friends at Zapier will be the best to help and advise on other workflows.

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Connect PandaDoc with Zapier

Go to PandaDoc Settings > Integrations. Find Zapier and click on it.

Then click “Enable” and choose one of the zap templates you want to use. Click “Use this zap”, and then you’ll be redirected to Zapier to connect your account and create a test zap.

If you can't find a zap template that fits your needs, click here, find and add PandaDoc, authorize the connection, and create your own zap.

Note, in case you have access to our previous versions of the app, make sure you choose “PandaDoc” as your app, not “PandaDoc (legacy)”. This is our old deprecated integration.

How to Create a New Zap with PandaDoc

  1. Click “Make a Zap”

  2. Name your Zap

  3. Choose your Trigger App.

  4. Choose your Trigger Event and follow the prompts to connect your accounts.

  5. Choose your Action App. Then choose your action.

Here are triggers supported by PandaDoc:

  • Document Sent
    Triggers when a document is sent. You can optionally filter to a specific template/form.

  • Document Completed
    Triggers when a document is completed by all participants. You can optionally filter to a specific template/form.

  • Document Paid
    Triggers when a document has been paid via Stripe -or- manual status change. You can optionally filter to a specific template/form.

  • Document Status Changed
    Triggers when a document status changes to Draft, For Approval, Rejected, Approved, Sent, Viewed, Completed, Declined, Waiting for payment, Paid, or Expired.

PandaDoc supports six actions:

  • Create Document
    Allows for documents to be created from a PandaDoc template/form. You can optionally send a document (a message can be provided for email). Supports Roles, CC Recipients, Tokens, Fields, and Pricing tables. New PDF documents cannot be uploaded. However, uploaded PDFs saved as PandaDoc templates can be used.

Note: You can also organize created documents in folders and specify a pricing table name to pull your products.


Warning: Taxes are not supported through Zapier.

  • Create Attachment
    Creates an attachment for a document.

  • Create or Update Contact
    Create a new contact or update an existing contact by email.

  • Find Document
    Finds a Document by name, status and other parameters.

  • Get Document Attachments
    Gets files attached to a document.

  • Get Document by ID
    Retrieves the document details given its ID.

How to use Zapier with Forms

  1. Click “Make a Zap”

  2. Name your Zap

  3. Choose PandaDoc as your Trigger App

  4. Choose your trigger event from among “Document Sent,” “Document Completed,” “Document Paid,” and “Document Status Changed.” Then, follow the prompts to connect your accounts.

  5. Choose Form as a source.

  6. (Optional) Select a form you’ll apply this Zap to.

  7. Choose your action app, then choose your action.

Warning: PandaDoc Forms do not support approval workflow. If you choose “Document Status Changed” as a trigger, a document in one of the following status types will not work: To approve, Approved, and Rejected.

Draft status will only work as a “Document Status Changed” trigger when a document that is Sent, Viewed, Completed, Waiting for Payment, Paid, Declined or Expired is being edited.

Zapier Public Templates

How to Use a Zapier Template

  1. Choose your Zap (either in Zapier or in PandaDoc);

  2. Click “Try it”.


Zapier will guide you through each step in the setup. Just click the blue buttons to verify your triggers and actions, and connect your accounts.


Zapier can't find my sample doc. Why?

Make sure your sample doc has recently gone through the trigger events you selected. If Zapier can’t find one, try making a new one. For a completed document, make sure it was generated from the template selected in your trigger.

Connecting multiple workspaces to Zapier

I connected Zapier to one of my workspaces, but I can’t find the template I need. Why?

Reason: If you have several workspaces, your template/document might exist in a workspace that you did not connect to Zapier.

Solution: On the 3rd step “Connect PandaDoc + Zapier”, connect your correct workspace to Zapier. Here’s how: Log in to PandaDoc, and switch workspaces to the one you’d like to connect. Then, go to Zapier and connect the account to create a new user.


Why can’t I see my variable/field/pricing tables in my trigger?

There could be a couple of reasons why you're unable to view your variable/field/pricing tables in your trigger.

Firstly, it's possible that you haven't selected a template for your trigger. Please ensure that you have chosen a template to access your template-specific data.

Secondly, it's possible that you haven't added a value to the Merge field, which is necessary for it to display in Zapier. To fix this, navigate to your template, open the field's Properties, scroll down to the Merge field, and add a value.

Once you've completed these steps, you should be able to easily locate the field in Zapier.

Why can't I find all of my fields in my data?

Fields get created in PandaDoc with generic names like “textfield” or “date”. So all text fields or date fields will have the same name unless they are changed. After Zapier is enabled, go to PandaDoc and rename the fields on your template so you can recognize and map them correctly.

I don’t see the same triggers available for my zap. What’s wrong?

You may be using an outdated version of our Zap. Look for the app simply called “PandaDoc”, and don’t use any that have a version number behind it.

Signatures in a completed PDF are missing

We suggest adding a delay before downloading a completed PDF.


My Zap didn't fire when I duplicate the document

There is a current limitation when the Zap doesn't fire in case the document is duplicated.

The trigger is set up on the specific template or form. In case the document is created from them, it will trigger the action.

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