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Pipedrive changelog
Updated over a month ago

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Product billing frequency (annually, semiannually, quarterly, monthly, or weekly) can now be pulled into the Quote Builder, along with its billing cycle value, into the 'Contract Term' column.


The recipient option enabled in a template for the Quote Builder section is now preserved in the created documents.


Documents created from Opportunities now automatically inherit the Opportunity currency.


Improved the Import from CRM functionality: now you can import product updates for all default and custom fields from the Pipedrive deal line items into pricing tables in the PandaDoc document.


Improved the Import from CRM functionality: now you can import Pipedrive deal currency into a pricing table, quote builder, and document total in PandaDoc document.


Updated the integration to support changes in the Pipedrive API related to discount types.


Fixed an issue with pulling price decimals into the PandaDoc document pricing table.

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