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HubSpot CRM changelog
Updated this week

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Added a new sync mode for the "Update, add, and remove line items in HubSpot" recipe: the automation can execute every time the Quote updates while the document is in Draft status.


Improved HubSpot template extension: you can now refresh the HubSpot variable list within the template by clicking the 'Refresh Variable List' button.


"Update, add, and remove line items in HubSpot" automation can process volume-based line items.


We fixed an issue where the payment app was not inheriting the Deal currency.


Monthly Recurring Revenue and Annual Recurring Revenue fields are available in the variable list.


We introduced a new feature that streamlines the template setup experience through the HubSpot template extension. This enhancement allows direct access to Deal and related product variables from within the template.


The recipient option enabled in a template for the Quote Builder section is now preserved in the created documents.


Documents created from Deals now automatically inherit the Deal currency.


Fixed 'Term(Months)' import for Quote Builder: HubSpot line item property 'Term(Months)' now populates into the Contract Term column in Quote Builder when you create a document or import data from HubSpot.


Improved "Update HubSpot deal properties with PandaDoc field values" automation: you can now export Merge Field values to the contacts linked to the Deal.


Added HsBillingFrequency to the list of default Pricing table/Quote builder line item fields. You will find HsBillingFrequency in the hidden columns.


Improved the Import from CRM functionality in two ways:

  1. You can now import product updates for all default and custom fields from Deal line items to Quote Builder.

  2. Line items added to/removed from a HubSpot Deal are also added/removed in the Pricing table/Quote Builder after Import from CRM.


Improved the work with Merge Field Values for Deal/Contact properties: you can add an .Export postfix (for example, Deal.Name.Export) to the Merge field name to avoid importing field value to PandaDoc upon document creation, but still be able to export it to HubSpot once the document status changes.


Improved the export of product updates from a pricing table to deal line items: the line items added and removed from a pricing table are added/removed accordingly from the Deal line items.

See the improvement demo below:


  • Improved the export of product updates from a pricing table to the deal line items in HubSpot: you can now export all default and custom properties from a pricing table.
    See our demo:

  • Added an option to export field values into the HubSpot deal properties upon the document status change. See the demo:


Improved the Import from CRM functionality: now you can import product updates for all default and custom fields from the HubSpot deal line items into the PandaDoc pricing table.


Improved the Import from CRM functionality: now you can import deal currency into a pricing table, a quote builder, and document total in PandaDoc document.


Fixed the issue with the cookies banner appearing every time you open PandaDoc in HubSpot.


Decreased access scopes required upon installation.

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