Availability: External Automations feature is available as a paid add-on for Business plan ($39 per month per account/ $468 per year per account) and is included in Enterprise plan.
Learn how to set up automations in your templates here.
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Move a document to the candidate record in Greenhouse
Select “When PandaDoc document status changed then upload PDF to candidate record in Greenhouse”
Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created and linked to the Greenhouse candidate record — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”
Authorize connection between Greenhouse and PandaDoc via Workato
Select Save
Create a document using this template
Then, in the document, select Apps on the right panel
Click on the Greenhouse tile, select Link document and search for the candidate record by scrolling down the list or typing their full email address, finally, click Link
Once you link the document to the Greenhouse candidate record, the PDF will be automatically uploaded to "All attachments" under the Details tab in the candidate record once it’s been sent or completed (depending on your automation setup).
Create a candidate record in Greenhouse when document status changes
Select “When PandaDoc document status changed then create a candidate record in Greenhouse”
Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created and linked to the Greenhouse candidate record — you can choose between “Sent” and “Completed”
Authorize connection between Greenhouse and PandaDoc via Workato
Select a template role for your future candidate
Copy the Job’s id from its URL in Greenhouse and paste it under the selected role
Select Save
Click Use this template and assign your candidate to the role you’ve selected
Note: Your recipients in PandaDoc document must have First and Last Names. The candidate record won’t be created if the recipient’s email address is invalid.
The candidate record will be automatically created under Candidates in a Job once it’s been sent or completed (depending on your automation setup).
Note: The automation won’t work if you remove the role in your template after you set it up.
Change application stage in Greenhouse when document status changes
Note: You should have an Offer record in Greenhouse that has a Start Date.
Select “When PandaDoc document status changed then change application status in Greenhouse”
Select trigger status for any PandaDoc documents created and linked to the Greenhouse candidate record — you can choose between “Declined” and “Completed”
Authorize connection between Greenhouse and PandaDoc via Workato
Select application status — you can choose between “Mark candidate as hired” and “Decline candidate”
Select Save
Then, click Apps on the right panel
Click on the Greenhouse tile > Change variables > select Application > click Change
Select Use this template and link the template to the Job record you need and click Link
Next, assign recipients to roles and send the document
The application status will be automatically updated in a Job once the document is sent or completed (depending on your automation setup).