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With our PayPal integration, you can request a payment right from the document using the payment app.

Updated over 4 months ago

Availability: All plans

Note: Some payment gateways charge transaction fees. See fee details for PayPal here.

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With our PayPal integration, you can request a payment right from the document using the payment app.

Enable the integration

First, open a template, document, or a form. Select Extensions on the right panel and select Payment. From here, select PayPal to connect it.

Note: Only the Account owner and users with an Admin or a Manager role can connect Payment gateways.


  1. Select your name in the lower-left corner and select Integrations. Select Paypal, then click Connect

  2. Sign in to your existing PayPal account (or create a new one)

  3. Once done, you will see a confirmation screen that the authentication has been successful

If you are seeing your PayPal home page instead of a Successful Connect screen, clear your browser cache and cookies and try connecting again.


Add a payment to your document or template

  1. Click Extensions on the right panel

  2. Click on Payment to add it

  3. Set it up: assign the payer and set a payment amount


Send the document and collect the payment

  1. Once you are ready, send out your document

  2. Your recipient will open the document and complete it. The document status will become Waiting for payment

  3. To proceed to payment, they click the payment icon in the top right and click Pay

  4. Next, they proceed to pay through PayPal

  5. Once the payment has been cleared, the document status will become Paid. You and your recipients will receive a confirmation email to notify you the payment has gone through

In PayPal, you can find the accepted payments in the Recent Activity section. The transaction details will include the document name and URL.

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