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Transfer document ownership to another user
Transfer document ownership to another user
Updated over a week ago

Availability: All plans

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Our transfer document ownership feature helps you easily re-assign a document to another user, regardless of the document’s status.

This feature transfers permission to view, edit, send, and receive notifications about a document to another user. Your dashboard and reporting will reflect the change in document ownership.

How to transfer document ownership

To transfer document ownership, start by going to your document list. Hover on the far right over the document for which you’d like to transfer ownership, click on the vertical ellipses, then choose Transfer ownership from the dropdown menu.

In the pop-up, start typing the name or email of the user who will become the document’s new owner.

Note: You can only transfer document ownership to a member of the workspace you're currently in.

Once you click the Transfer button, ownership of the document will be re-assigned. The document’s new owner will receive an email notification.

If the user who created the document has a Member role, they will lose access to the document once ownership is transferred. (You can learn more about account roles here.)

How to transfer ownership of all documents

Note: Please be aware that there is no bulk action available for transferring ownership of multiple documents to another member at once. You can choose to either transfer all documents created by a user to a different user or transfer them individually.

If you want to transfer all documents created by a member of your account, you can easily do that by selecting the option to transfer all documents created by this user.

Repeat the steps above, then in the pop-up, select the new owner of the documents and tick the checkbox to transfer all documents created by this user.

Alternatively, go to Team, then hover on the far right over the user and click the transfer ownership icon to transfer all documents created by this user to another member of your workspace.


Can I transfer ownership of documents in multiple workspaces to another user?

No, you can only transfer a document to another user within the workspace in which the document was created.

Can I select multiple documents and transfer ownership to another user?

You have the option to transfer ownership of all documents at once or do it individually. Would you like the ability to select several documents and transfer ownership at once? If so, please vote for this idea in our Idea Portal.

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