Availability: Business and Enterprise plans
PandaDoc's Contract Repository simplifies contract management by enabling you to capture essential contract data points such as terms, dates, and obligations. Users can manually input this data, making it easy to search and filter documents based on these criteria. This system allows you to organize your contracts efficiently and find key information quickly, helping you manage your contracts more effectively without needing extensive setup.
Here’s how it works:
Create data fields that you will be using to capture information in your agreements and other documents.
Define the document types and link your data fields to create field sets for tracking data in a specific document type.
Input field values in a designated document or a template.
Search for documents based on the values you have input.
Create custom reports based on your data entries.
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Setting up data for the workspace
Note: Only users with an Admin or a Manager account role can access the Data setup tab in Settings.
Select the gear icon/your profile image at the bottom left to access Settings, then select Data. From here, you can set up 'Document types' and 'Data fields' that you'll use in your templates and documents. These can be manually filled in later and utilized for filtering searches and generating reports to analyze contracts across your organization.
Before you start:
If you plan to track different data points for different document types, first come up with a list of document types. Skip this step if the set of data points will be the same for all your documents.
Then think of the list of data you will be tracking in your documents. Once you have that information, you are ready to proceed to creating your data fields and document types.
First, create the list of data fields. Once those are in place, you can proceed to creating document types and linking your data fields to various document types.
Click +Data field button to create a new field. Input the field name and indicate the data type and the formatting.
Data type allows you to validate user input when values are inputted into data fields. For example, when creating a data field to track dates, select the Date data type to make sure all the dates follow the same format.
Warning: Once a field has been created, you can only change its data type if it does not contain any data input in templates/documents.
The following data types are available for you to select from:
Data type | Description | Examples |
Single-line text | Displays a single-line text input field. It is designed to accommodate brief textual entries. |
Multi-line text | Displays a larger text box to capture longer texts with paragraphs. |
Date | Displays a calendar selector to validate user input and display the data per the date format specified in the workspace settings. |
Number | Captures numeric values and displays them per specified number format. |
Percent | Captures numeric values and formats them as percentages. |
Currency | Captures numeric values and formats them as currency per document currency settings. |
Duration | This field accepts only integers and formats the input as duration per field settings, e.g. days, weeks, months, etc. |
Dropdown | Displays a dropdown with a list of pre-defined options. Users can select one or several options from a dropdown. |
Checkbox | Displays a checkbox. Best suited for true/false or yes/no responses to specific conditions or terms. |
After you've configured the Data field settings, select Save at the top right or select the small arrow next to the Save button to select Save and create another field.
Next, go to the 'Document types' tab and click +Type.
Enter the document type name and choose +Data fields to link the relevant data fields that will appear when this document type is selected in a template or document.
Select Save at the top right or select the small arrow next to the Save button to select Save and create another type.
How to remove or restore data fields/document types
If you want to stop collecting information for certain fields or document types, you can easily remove them.
Hover over a field/document type on the right and select Archive.
Alternatively, click on the field/type you’d like to deactivate and select Archive at the top right.
To archive multiple fields/document types at once, select them by checking them on the left to their names and select Archive at the top right.
To restore archived fields/document types, open the ‘Archived’ tab in ‘Data fields’/’Document types’, select the fields/types you’d like to restore, and select Restore at the top right. Alternatively, select vertical ellipses on the right to a field and select Restore.
Using data fields and document types to track data in templates and documents
Open a template/document and select Data on the right panel. From here, if you have set up Document types, select one and fill in the data field values. Otherwise, you'll see the full list of data fields set up in the workspace settings. You can then go ahead and start filling it out with values.
Note: Users with a Manager or an Admin role can only select document types and add values to data fields in a template/document. Users with a Member role can only select document types and data fields in created documents. Users with a Manager or an Admin role can define data fields for a document type in Data settings.
If you don’t see the field you need, select Data fields settings. From here, either link an existing one to a corresponding document type, or create a new data field if it doesn’t yet exist.
Use the data fields to filter documents
To filter documents, you can use document type or any data field that has an input value. Simply select the ellipses menu, choose the document type/data field you want to filter based on, and select Apply.
Once the selected field is displayed in the list of your filters, click on the filter dropdown and type in or select the value you want to filter by. Select Apply.
Create reports
Note: You can only use Document data reports with PandaDoc’s new look and feel.
Go to Reports
Select Document data report or Create new report under the ‘Document Data’ section
Select Customize at the top right to configure columns of the report. You can select any number of Data fields and Document type
Select More to choose which Data fields you want to filter the records of your report by
Save your report by selecting three vertical ellipses at the top right > Save as new
Select Export CSV from the dropdown to download it as a CSV file.
Can I use data fields and document types on uploaded documents?
Yes, you can add data fields and document types set up in Data settings in the uploaded documents too.
How can I remove a field from a document?
You can create custom field sets and apply them to documents with the help of Document types, by configuring the set of fields per Document type and applying it to a Document or a Template.
Archive unneeded data fields to remove them from Documents, Filters, and Reporting.