Currency format / Decimal separator



  • Official comment
    Marya Maksimchuk

    Hi there, we have a new feature that allows you to customize currency formatting. You'll be able to change:

    • Display options and the position of the currency symbol
    • Number of decimal places
    • Thousands and cents separators

    You can go here for more details about it.  

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    Jesper Andersen

    We really need this feature too! Basically all proposals sent from Pandadoc shows 1/1000 of the price, legally this could be a problem

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    Hi there, 

    Sorry for the delayed answer to this post. We do have the ability to display the currency in specific formatting, but this is based on the recipient view language. So before sending the document to someone in Germany for example, you would simply need to change the recipient view language. This not only changed the pricing table formatting but changes the language in-app and in the email - but not the language of the specific document. 

    If you forget to change the language, PandaDoc does have built-in language detection that uses the browser's settings to offer to present the application in their native language. 


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    Bernardo Carvalho


    That doesn't solve the problem.

    I don't want to change the recipient language, they must be in english. But the decimal separator must be coma, not dot.

    Do you have an actual solution? 

    Thank you.

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    Christopher Ragland

    Hey Bernardo,

    Thank you for commenting here! Our team is actively working on this. If you would like to be a part of the beta launch, then please click here to go to the feature request in our ideal portal and fill out the Form. 

    You may also click here to get to the Form directly. 

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