Use Quotes in Salesforce CPQ to pass fields and quote line items into your documents
1. Click the Gear in the upper right and choose ‘Edit Page”
- Scroll down on the left to Custom-Managed packages and drag in the PandaDoc lightning component to your page layout.
- Click "Save" and "Activation" in the top right
2. Go to PandaDoc setup within Salesforce and scroll down to Object Customization Settings
- Click the green PandaDoc Quick Setup button and search for the Quote object. You may see two Quote options. The correct Quote will have the SBQQ__Quote__c object name.
- After adding the Quote object click Setup to the right under actions.
- In the Pricing Items Related List begin searching Quote and select Quote Lines(SBQQ__LineItems__r) to pass in your line items. You will then be prompted to set up the pricing mapping
Click to set up the price mapping and map your Quote line item fields to the corresponding PandaDoc pricing table fields:
You can also follow the same steps to pass Quote line groups instead of line items.
When you create a document from a template that has a pricing table you will now see those line items pass through:
Thanks for the response Christopher.
I've have completed those configurations, but still no luck. The pricing table continues to pull everything into one blob. Is there some kind of configuration I'm missing on the template end?
Also, i don't see a way to get back to the price item mappings config page. Is there an alternative way to get back to that? It was there on the inital setup, but not anymore.
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