How to know which Variables to use with Hubspot
By Sarah Herbaugh
Having the information from your CRM is a critical piece to automating your process to save you and your team time. Variables auto-populate data into your documents so you’re not having to enter this information manually. Figuring out which variables you need to use is the first step!
Within Hubspot, there are 3 records you can create your documents from; Contact, Company, and Deal. The most commonly used one is the Deal record.
Within the Deal, you can pull through any deal variables and company variables, however the contact information will not pull through. A workaround for this is to use PandaDoc role variables - this will allow you to pull through first name, last name, and email address based on who you assign to the role.
From the Contact record you can pull through both contact variables and company variables, however the deal variables are not available.
Within the company record, you can ONLY pull through Company information. As a recommendation, when needing company information use Contact or Deal so you can pull through the most information without having to manually enter it in your documents.
How to Find available Variables within Hubspot
Within each Deal, Contact, or Company record, you will find the PandaDoc module on the right of the screen. From here you can Create a Document, or check to see what Variables are available for use:
To grab a variable for use, simply highlight the text, from Bracket to Bracket and then paste it into the PandaDoc template
Template Setup
Setting up your templates for which Hubspot record you will be working from is key. If needed, you can duplicate templates and make Contact or Company specific templates.
Your Turn
How has using PandaDoc’s Hubspot integration saved you time and what other CRM variable tips might you have?
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