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Renewal notification

Renewal notifications help to see which documents are renewing soon in your document list and set up renewal notification emails.

Updated over 4 months ago

Availability: Business* and Enterprise plans

* This feature is available as a paid add-on in our Business plan.

Now you can track document renewals within PandaDoc. See which documents are renewing soon in your document list and set up renewal notification emails.

Watch an overview video:

Renewal notification setup for templates and documents

Set up renewal notifications for a specific template so that any document created from that template will inherit those renewal notification settings. You can also set up renewal notifications for an individual document in any Status.

Open a template/document, and click the ellipses > Settings > Renewal. Set your:

  1. Renewal date: choose a set number of months after document completion or after a specific date

  2. Notification email: enable a renewal email notification for the document owner and choose when it should be sent (# days before renewal)

Click Apply to save the settings.

Alternately, select document Info button on top of the page > Settings and set up the renewal settings here.

Upcoming document renewals

The document owner will receive a renewal notification email a certain number of days before the document renewal (notification is customizable - see above).

In the document list, 40 days before a renewal, hover over the status of any completed document to see the number of days left.

View upcoming renewals

Review documents renewing soon in a separate view:

Filter the documents by renewal date:

What’s next?

You can use the “Transfer data to” feature to generate a new document (contract, invoice, etc.) with token data, recipient information, and pricing details from the original one.

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