Mark a document as Declined
You can move a document to the “Declined” status if a potential client didn’t sign the proposal and the deal is lost.
What will happen?
- The document author will receive a notification of document status change if someone else on the team (Admin or Manager) moves the document into the Declined status;
- Document recipients won’t get any email notifications about document status change;
- Auto reminders will not be sent for this document anymore.
- Recipients will no longer be able to access the document when they click on the document link;
- Document will be moved to the Declined status and will show up under the Declined tab on the Dashboard;
- You can move a Declined document into Completed or Paid. Follow the instructions below.
Mark document as Declined
- In your Documents tab on the left menu bar, find your document. Use the context menu on the right and click “Change Status”
- You will see the “From” and “To” options. Choose “Declined” under “To”;
- Save by clicking “Change Status.”
You can’t move documents from Paid, To approve, Approved, Rejected to Declined.Though the recipient won’t get any notifications about a document status change, they might still open an old PandaDoc notification email and open the document, here’s what they will see: