Availability: Business and Enterprise plans
Suggesting edits in draft documents makes it easy for you and your colleagues without a PandaDoc license to collaborate on documents before you send them to your clients.
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Go here for a self-paced course on how to collaborate with your colleagues on the document.
Invite collaborators to suggest edits
To invite someone from your account without permission to view and edit your document, or someone outside your PandaDoc account, to access a document and suggest edits to it, follow these steps:
Open a document
Select Invite, then select Collaborator from the dropdown
In the pop-up window, select the user with lower permissions or enter their email address (for colleagues without a PandaDoc license), then select Tab or Enter
Finally, select Send invitation
Note: Once you add a collaborator to a document, all workspace admins will receive an email notification.
Your collaborator will be invited with the permission level of “View and comment.” They will have a Collaborator role in the workspace and a Guest license. Collaborators can easily request editing rights by selecting the Request edit access button in the shared document, after which the document owner will receive an email notification and can then grant access.
Note: If you’d like your external collaborator to have editing capabilities, this will require a Standard license. Learn more about collaborators here.
Guest users in a Collaborator role can:
Access, view, and comment on a document shared with them
Access the inbox and add their personal information in Settings > Personal info
How to suggest edits on draft documents
Once your external collaborator opens the email notification inviting them to collaborate on a document, they’ll add their name and create a password for their own guest profile.
After this, they’ll be sent to the document and can begin suggesting edits right away.
Recipients are allowed to delete, add, and replace content inside text blocks and tables.
How to accept/reject suggestions
As a document owner, you’ll see suggestions in real time, and you’ll be able to easily accept or reject suggestions. Similarly, any user in your account with permission to edit documents can accept or reject suggestions added by document collaborators. (Go here to learn more about user permissions.)
To reject or accept suggestions, select the icon in the suggestion comment box.
You can use the top panel to easily view suggestions added by collaborators.
Note: You must resolve all suggestions before sending the document.
How to track suggestions
Document owners and collaborators can easily track suggestions within documents.
To review resolved suggestions, select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) in the top right, then select Resolved comments/suggestions. Here you can review both accepted and rejected suggestions. You can also filter a list to show suggestions only, and choose which suggestions you’d like to see — “Accepted” or “Rejected.”
Each accepted suggestion contains additional information about:
Suggestion author
The user who accepted the suggestion
The date and time when the suggestion was accepted