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Free Email Tracker for Gmail

Our Free Email Tracker for Gmail extension for Chrome notifies you when your recipient opens a document you’ve sent.

Updated over a week ago

Availability: All plans

Our Free Email Tracker for Gmail extension for Chrome notifies you when your recipient opens a document you’ve sent.

How to enable

Start by downloading the extension.

  1. Select Add to Chrome, then on the ensuing screen, Add extension.


  2. Select Login with PandaDoc, then authorize the extension to your PandaDoc account.


The extension is now enabled for all your outgoing emails.

Send emails as you usually do, then find out if recipients have opened them by looking at the small icon next to the email subject in your list of sent emails. One green checkmark indicates your recipient hasn’t opened the email yet, while two green checkmarks indicate they’ve opened the email.



If you open the email among your list of sent emails, the extension will count it as opened by your recipient and you’ll see two green checkmarks.

By hovering over the checkboxes, you can see how often and when your recipients have opened the email.


By switching off “Tracking enabled for this email,” you can disable tracking for all your outgoing emails.


You can also disable tracking for specific emails by first selecting the PandaDoc icon, then switching off “Tracking enabled for this email” within a specific email.

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