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This integration will allow you to create, send, and track documents from Deals, Contacts and Company objects from Nimble.

Availability: Business and Enterprise plans

Warning: PandaDoc doesn't support Nimble custom domains.

To install the Chrome extension, go to your PandaDoc account, Settings > API & Integrations, find Nimble, click on it and click “Install Chrome extension.”

This integration works with multiple workspaces. Enable the integration once and log into the desired workspace. In the Related Documents section, you will see only the documents created within the integration and located inside the workspace you are logged into.

Access the PandaDoc panel in Nimble

To access the PandaDoc panel, open any deal, contact or company record. If you see a message to connect, please click “Connect” and login to your PandaDoc account. Once you’re connected, you will see a list of related documents to a deal or an organization, if applicable.


Set up PandaDoc Templates to use with Nimble

Next, we need to setup our templates and how we want to pull in data from Nimble. In the following sections, we will discuss the setup of “Roles” and “Variables”.

Use of PandaDoc Roles and variables to import Contact information

Warning: Variables aren't available to eSignature plan users.

With template Roles, we can import contact information (First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Company) from a Nimble Deal:

  1. Create a Role first: open your template, click Roles at the top, add a Role.

  2. Access Role variables: click Data, find your role variables, copy and add them to your template.


Setup your templates with variables to pass data from Nimble

Warning: Variables aren't available to eSignature plan users.

Variables will save your time auto-filling information from a deal, company or contact record into a document:

  1. To view all of the available data that you can push from a Nimble record via variables to a document, click on the gear icon -> “Variables” tab;

  2. Copy a variable name with the square brackets and add it to your template.


Passing information from Nimble into PandaDoc (via fields)

You can pass data into PandaDoc fields similarly to how variables operate. Unlike with variables, however, you don’t need to include square brackets.

In the list of tokens, copy the token without square brackets into Merge field.


Once the document has been sent, the recipient will see the pre-filled data and be able to update this field, provided the field has been assigned to them.

Tracking your documents in Nimble

Once you have created a document from the object item In Nimble, you can always revisit the document by accessing it through the PandaDoc module. Example shown below:

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