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Inbox is used to keep track of documents that require your signature or that were sent to you from another PandaDoc user.

Updated yesterday

Inbox is used to keep track of documents that require your signature or that were sent to you from another PandaDoc user. It shows the information on who created the document, when it was created, and the document name.

Accessing the Inbox

Click the Inbox icon on the left panel to access the Inbox.

You will see a list of your documents where you can delete inbox notifications or download a document.

Click the document name, if you would like to open and review the document.

Documents are listed from the newest to the oldest by default. Additionally, you can filter your documents by document owner, title, status, or date.

You may notice a red dot indicator accompanied by a number next to Inbox on the left navigation panel. This indicator serves as a notification that you have a specific number of documents that you haven't yet opened. If you wish to remove the red dot, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the documents in your inbox that have a yellowish background, indicating that they haven't been viewed yet.

  2. Open each of these unviewed documents.

  3. After you've viewed all the unviewed documents, refresh the page.

Once you've completed these steps, the red dot indicator will disappear, keeping your inbox organized and up to date.

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