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Rooms create a secure hub for organizing resources, sharing documents, and collaborating or negotiating with buyers.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Availability: Business* and Enterprise**

* Business users can create unlimited rooms, but publish a maximum of three.

**Enterprise users can create and publish an unlimited number of rooms.

Note: Rooms are unavailable for users with accounts.

Rooms allow you to create a secure collaboration space — a central hub for organizing resources, sharing documents, and collaborating and negotiating with buyers.

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Room management

How to create a room template

You can create a room template to use repeatedly.

To start, select Rooms on the right panel, then select Templates > +Template at the top left.

To change the room’s template name, replace “New room” on the left panel with the room name you’d like to use.

Every room consists of a home and two extensions:

  • Home: The area that room members enter into when they join a room. Learn how to customize a room’s home here.

  • Action plan: A simple checklist to help navigate you and your collaborators through a deal.

  • Documents and files: The area within your room where you can securely organize and store files, documents, and links.

Note: You’re always able to change extension names and their order.

You can use one of the default action items in a template, or select +Task to add a new one. Learn more about tasks here.

Select Documents and files and add files, PandaDoc templates, or links you’d like to include in a room template.

To delete content from the room template, hover over an item and select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) on the far right, then select Remove from template.

How to create a room

Note: Any user on your account can create rooms. Any account member can also view existing rooms created by other users, but they will be unable to view documents unless they’re a document participant.

Select Rooms on the left navigation panel, +Room at the top left, then one of your room templates or +Blank to create a room from scratch.

Alternatively, select Templates, click on the template you’ve created, then select Use this template to create a room.

Once you create a room, a new document folder will appear in your document list. All documents you upload to the room will automatically move to this folder.

To change a room’s name, select “New room” in the top left corner, add the name you’d like to use, then select “Enter.”

You can give the room a more personalized touch by uploading a logo image and adding a brief description to display in the room.

How to convert a room to a room template

You can easily convert a room to a room template for future use. Simply open a published or unpublished room, select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) at the top right, and select Convert to template from the dropdown menu.

Note: Users with a Member or custom role who don’t have permission to create room templates will be unable to convert a room to a template.

After selecting Convert to template, you'll be directed to the newly created template, which will have the same name as the original room.

Note: Documents within a room that have been created from scratch will be automatically converted to templates.

How to publish a room

After you’ve added all necessary content, select Publish at the top right to share the room with all members.

Once you confirm the action by selecting Publish, all room members will receive an email that includes a link to the room. The status of the room will be changed to "Published," and any PandaDoc documents in draft status with access level set to "Signers only" or "All in the room" will be automatically sent to their respective recipients.

Sharing a room via a link


Before sharing the room via a link, ensure that the correct content is marked as 'visible to all room members'.

Once you've published your room, you can share the link to it with room members via your preferred messenger app or text (SMS).

To get the link to the room, select Copy link in the top right, or select Members at the bottom left > Copy link.

When users open the room using the shared link, they'll enter preview mode. This mode enables them to view content marked as 'visible to all room members.' To sign a document or access restricted content, users must select Log in and verify their access via email.

How to unpublish a room

To no longer share a room with room members, open a published room and select Unpublish at the top right. Once you unpublish the room, room members will be unable to access it.

How to delete a room

Warning: A deleted room cannot be restored.

Hover over on the far right of a room, then select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) > Delete.

To delete multiple rooms, select the area left of their name, then select Delete at the top right.

Room notifications

As a room creator (owner), you will receive email notifications about activity in the room. These notifications include the following:

  • Member opened the room for the first time

  • Member opened the room every subsequent time

  • Member added an item (uploaded a file, created a document, etc.)

  • Member invited another member

  • All room documents were completed

  • Item was previewed

  • item was viewed

  • Item was downloaded

  • Task was assigned

  • Task was completed

You can manage room notifications at any time by selecting “Rooms” on the left navigation panel, then the gear icon at lower left.

Next, uncheck/check the notifications you’d like to disable/enable, then finally select Save.

Content management

Note: You can add and edit tasks and content to your room after you’ve published it.


Home is what room members first see when they open an invitation to join. To customize your room’s home, start by navigating to “Home” on the left panel. Next, select Edit Page and use content blocks such as text, image, video, and table to design the page. You can also include a welcome message, add instructions, and even embed a video or image. Tailor your room's home to make it inviting and informative for all members.

Note: If your room’s home is empty with no blocks, the tab will not be visible.

Action plan

An action plan allows you to guide your stakeholders through complex deals that may involve document preparation, due diligence, and timeline management, all from a single space.

Note: If no tasks have been created in the room, the Action plan tab will not be visible to members.

How to create a task

To create a task, select +Task and start typing in the “Task name” field.

Next, hover over the task and select Details to Assign, Set due date, and Attach files to the task.

A task can be assigned to:

  • None: In this case, the task will not be visible to anyone and will remain unassigned

  • All room members: In this case, a task is visible to everyone in a room

  • Selected: A task will be assigned to a specific room member within the room

The task’s due date:

  • Can be set to none

  • Can have a date set in a certain number of days after a room is published

  • Can be set for a specific date

How to edit a task

Hover over a task, select Details, edit the task, then close the Details panel.

How to delete a task

Hover over a task and select Delete.

Tasks. Progress bar

The tasks progress bar is designed to visually indicate the completion status of tasks within a Room or Room template. The bar dynamically updates as tasks are created, updated, completed, or deleted.

Here’s how it works:

  • The progress bar appears at the top of the task section when expanded.

  • It visually represents the proportion of completed tasks relative to the total number of tasks in the section.

  • The progress bar automatically adjusts when tasks are added, edited, marked as completed, or deleted.

Documents and files

How to create a folder

Select Documents and files, then Add item/+Add > Folder from the dropdown menu.

Name the new folder and select Save.

How to create a new document

Click Add item/+Add and select Create document from the dropdown menu to add a new document.

Alternatively, you can also create a document from an existing template. Once you have selected a template or chosen Blank document to create a document from scratch, continue by renaming the document, assigning recipients, and selecting Continue.

Note: Document recipients will automatically be added as room members, however, they will only gain access to the room if it is in “Published” status.

How to add an existing document

You can select some of your previously created documents by clicking Add item or Add > Add document.

To find an existing document, use the search bar to locate the desired file, select it, and click on the Add item button to include it.

Note: When you publish the room, participants will only see the document in “Sent” status.

You can easily send a draft document by hovering over it in the room and selecting Send.

Once you add your documents they’ll have “Signers” access level by default, which means that when you invite members and publish the room, only document signers will be able to view them.

How to upload a file

Note: You can upload any file to your room, with a maximum file size limit of 2GB.

To upload a file to a room select Add > Upload file.

How to add a link

Adding a public link to a room allows you to easily share various types of content, such as videos, calendars, marketing presentations, and more. This enables members to easily access and engage with your content within your shared room.

You can add any link to a document by selecting Add item or +Add > Link.

A user will be able to open a link and interact with it without leaving the room.

Access levels

Access levels in rooms allow you to control the visibility of folders, documents, and other content items for each invited member.


Folder access levels control who has access to specific folders and subfolders within a room.

You can choose from three access levels:

  • All in the room: This level gives everyone in the room access to the folder

  • Selected users: This level allows you to specify users who will have access to the folder

  • No one: This level prevents anyone from accessing the folder

PandaDoc documents

For PandaDoc documents, you can choose from access levels such as “Signers,” “All members,” and “Internal members.”

Other content items

For other content types such as uploaded files and links, available access levels include “All room members” and “No one.”

Member management

How to add a member

In an unpublished room, select +Invite at the top right or Members at the bottom left, then type a member’s name or email address in the “Members” field.

In a published room, select +Invite at the top right or Members at the bottom left, type a member’s name or email address in the “Members” field, then select the member from the dropdown menu. For a new contact, select Add member from the dropdown menu, type a message for the email invitation, then select Publish.

Resend an invitation

If you need to resend an invitation, select Members at the bottom left, then the member, then finally select Resend Invitation.

How to delete a member

Navigate to Members at the bottom left corner, select the name of the member you’d like to remove, then select Delete member.

Note: Whenever you delete a member, they will not be automatically removed as a recipient of any documents stored in a room.

Member permissions

To adjust a member’s permission settings, select Members at the bottom left, then the member's name. Under “Member settings,” you'll find two permissions: “Can invite members” and “Can add content.”

  • Can invite members: Allows this member to invite new members to this room, but does not allow this member to delete other members or edit other members' settings

  • Can add content: Allows this member to create new folders, upload files, and add links, but does not allow this member to edit, modify, or remove existing content.

Document management

How to view and sign documents

Once your document participant opens the invitation to join the room for the first time, the room’s creator (owner) will receive an email notification.

The participant will be sent to the room’s home once they select Join room.

If the participant is a signer on a document, they will see Sign now at the top of the page. Once they select Sign documents, they will be prompted to view and fill out each document individually.

Note: Each document can be signed independently, eliminating the all-or-nothing approach typically associated with bundles.

How to track document info

You can easily view document information without opening the document. To do this, hover over a document name and select Document info to view analytics and latest activity.


The Rooms Insights feature provides an overview of external members' activity within a specific room. This tab contains various widgets that track engagement and progress, helping you monitor how room members interact with shared content. Below is a breakdown of the key sections visible on the screen:

Room views

Displays the total number of views by external members. This widget highlights the overall interest in the room’s content.

Room open rate

Tracks the number of unique users who opened the room. Each user is listed with their respective open counts.

You can hover over a room member to see item views.

Task completion

A progress pie chart that visualizes the completion status of tasks assigned in the room. Tasks are categorized into:

  • In progress

  • Completed

  • Expired

  • Due soon

Content engagement

This section provides detailed engagement metrics for each piece of content shared in the room. Each item shows:

  • The total number of views across all members.

  • A breakdown of viewers and their view counts when hovering over the item.

Audit trail

Audit trail is a record of all actions performed in a room, including who performed an action, when it was performed, and what the action was. This information can be used to track user activity, troubleshoot problems, and ensure compliance with organizational policies.

To view the audit trail for a room, select the Audit trail tab in the room's sidebar. The audit trail will show all actions performed in the room in chronological order.




Be sure to connect your PandaDoc workspace with your HubSpot account. For more information, go here.

You can create a room from within HubSpot. Open a Deal, Company, or Contact entity, then find the PandaDoc Rooms section on the right panel. From this section, select Create Room.

You can also link and unlink a room to a HubSpot deal from the right slider.

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