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Product Catalog

Learn how to manage your product catalog with PandaDoc for error-free quoting.

Updated over 2 months ago

Availability: Essentials, Business, and Enterprise plans

Our updated catalog is the best place to store all your products and services — so you can build error-free quotes for your customers.

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Create catalog items

To create a catalog item, first go to your catalog. You can create items manually one by one or import them via .csv import. Go here to learn how to import your products using a .csv file.

Next, enter all necessary product attributes. The 'product name', 'SKU', and 'price' fields are required; all other fields are optional. Finally, select Save in the top right of the page. You can also select Save and close or Save and add another item option from the dropdown.

Note: You'll be unable to save items with Custom fields named "Category" or "Folder".

Images and description

Note: .jpeg, .png, and WebP files are supported for catalog images. You can upload no more than ten images per catalog item, with a maximum image size of 10MB.

We suggest using the following ratio for product images to match the image thumbnail format in the quote builder block.

  • 1:1 aspect ratio (e.g. 1200×1200) - in case you are using the list and grid view layouts

  • 3:2 aspect ratio (e.g. 1200×800) - in case you are using the layout with bigger images

You can describe your products by adding and decorating fields or uploading images.

Note: The description field is a semi-HTML block, where you can use bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough formatting, as well as number points, bullet points, and hyperlinks. The maximum description length is 500 characters.

Pricing information

You can set the pricing model for a product that could be either fixed or volume-based. For fixed-priced products, you’ll be setting up the price per unit. For volume-based products, the price depends on quantity("Flat amount, $ discount type) or discount (Percentage,% discount type). Items with volume discounts will have pre-defined discount values based on the number of items your customer selects.

Recurring pricing

Note: Recurring pricing is only supported in a quote builder block.

You can set up recurring pricing to collect recurring payments from customers via Stripe.

To set up recurring pricing for a catalog item, select the Recurring tab under the Pricing section, then select a billing period (weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually) from the dropdown.

Update catalog items

Tip: Use sorting to see relevant products. You can sort catalog items by title, SKU, price, and modified date. You can also search them by titles and SKUs.

Once you've created your new catalog items, you can update them by editing any product attribute. Changing product attributes will not affect any documents you’ve sent to your customers.

You can update catalog items one by one or via .csv file. To update your catalog using a .csv file, you’ll need to export your existing products first. To do this, select the Export button at the top right.

Next, edit the products within the .csv file, then import it back to PandaDoc by selecting the +Product button in the top left, then Import from the dropdown.

Note: Products added to the pricing tables and quote builder blocks in your template will be automatically updated once you import the edited catalog using a .csv file.

Search catalog items

You can search your catalog items by product name, SKU, description, custom field names, and their values. The search result will be shown in the following priority:

  1. Product name

  2. Product SKU

  3. Product description, custom field name the field's value

Additionally, you can search by using the Category name and the results will show all the items within the category.

Duplicate catalog items

You can save time when you add a new catalog item by duplicating a similar item.

To duplicate an item, hover over it on the far right, select the vertical ellipsis (three dots), then select Duplicate from the dropdown.

Grouping catalog items into categories

You can group your products into categories so you can easily locate them later.

Start by going to your catalog and creating a category for your products. To create a category, select +New category in the left panel, add a name for your new category, then select Create.

There are three ways to move your existing products into a category:

  1. Hover over a catalog item, select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) at the far right, then select Move. Finally, choose a category and select Save.

  2. Select an item from the list by ticking the checkbox on the left to its name, then select Move at the top. This way, you can move several items to a different category at the same time.

  3. Select an item to access editing mode, then select a different category from the dropdown under Category.

Note: You can add no more than 10,000 categories to your catalog, with a maximum of eight nested subcategories within each category.

You can easily remove a category and products added to it by selecting vertical ellipses next to the category name > Delete.

Next, you can select Delete only category, so the products placed into the category will be moved to the catalog root folder. Alternatively, you can select Delete category and all products within.

Product bundles

Note: Product bundles are supported only in a quote builder block.

To bundle products, first either create a new catalog item or select an existing one. Next, scroll down to the Product Bundle section. Click +Product from catalog (create items from scratch by clicking +Custom product).

Next, continue by selecting products to bundle from your catalog, then select Add items at the bottom right. Finally, select Save.

Note: Users with a Member role are unable to edit or bundle catalog items.

Catalog items with bundled products show the number of combined products in the catalog list and catalog selector.

Add catalog items to a pricing table

Warning: Catalog items cannot be added using PandaDoc’s mobile app.

First, open a template, document, content library item, or form, then add a pricing table. There are three ways you can add catalog items to a pricing table:

  1. Select +Products > Catalog at the bottom of the table, then search for the product in the catalog pop-up. Select the items you need.


  2. Select the small arrow at the top right of a cell in your pricing table, then select Insert from the catalog below.


  3. Start typing the product name or SKU in the Name column — auto-suggest will show available options in your product catalog.


Warning: You'll be unable to edit the price of a product with volume-based pricing once it's added to the pricing table. To update the price of this product, you need to go to the catalog.

Add custom fields to a pricing table

Note: Custom field values are added as plain text. These values can’t be used in pricing table calculations.

After you import an item from your catalog, its custom fields will be automatically added as hidden columns. To display a custom field, select + on the right side of the pricing table (or right-click within any cell), then select your custom field among the hidden columns.

Note: You can add a maximum of 200 custom fields per item.

Add catalog items to a quote builder

Start by opening a template, document, content library item, or form, then add a quote builder block. Next, click on the block and select +From catalog at the bottom left.

Finally, select products from the catalog, then select Add items.

Learn more about managing products in a quote builder block here.

Delete catalog items

You can delete a catalog item, or select multiple items in bulk.

There are four ways you can delete items from your catalog:

  1. Hover over a catalog item and select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) at far right, then select Delete.

  2. Select an item from the list by ticking the checkbox to the left to its name, then select Delete at the top. This way, you can move several items to a different category at the same time.

  3. Select an item to access editing mode, then click on the bin icon at the top right.

  4. Select vertical ellipses next to a category name with the products you'd like to delete, and select Delete > Delete category and all items within.

Note: Once you delete an item, you’ll be unable to restore it.

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