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How documents signed from Forms are stored

Once someone fills out your form, a new folder will be created. Within this folder, you’ll find every document created from this form.

Updated over 3 months ago

Availability: Business* and Enterprise* plans

* Please contact your account manager or our Support team for details on custom pricing.

Warning: No more than 50 documents in 5 minutes/300 documents in one hour can be generated from one form.

Now that you’ve seen what the customer experience looks like, let’s see what happens after your client(s) has filled out your form, where you’ll find the signed documents, and how you’ll be notified about new signatures.

Once someone starts filling out your form, a new folder will be created in your document list. This new folder will have the same name as the form itself.

Within this folder, you’ll find every document created from this form. If the document is in Viewed status, the customer has started to fill it out, but hasn’t finished yet.
If the document is in Completed status, the customer has filled out and also finalized the document.

Each form will have an individual folder containing documents that have been created using this specific form.

If you’d like to quickly access all documents created and signed from a form, click on the vertical ellipses to the right of the form name, then select View responses.

Another way to access documents created and signed from a particular form is within the form itself. On a published form, simply click on the number of responses on the right.

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